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词汇 gel
例句 For practical and economic reasons the painter adds gel medium to his colours.从经济实用的角度出发,画家通常在颜料中加入凝胶调色剂。This gel gives a beautiful shine to the hair.这发胶使头发有种亮丽的光泽。He plastered his hair down/back with gel.他用发胶把头发往下/往后梳贴伏。Rub the gel into your skin.把凝露涂在皮肤上。Before going to the party, he sleeked back his hair with hair gel.去参加聚会前,他用发乳将头发梳理得平滑光亮。She used gel on her hair to control the frizz.她用发胶给鬈发定型。She sleeked back her hair with some styling gel.她用某种发胶把头发往后梳得油光发亮。There were signs on Saturday that the team is starting to gel at last.周六有迹象表明这支队伍终于开始团结作战了。His long white hair was slicked back with gel.他用发胶把长长的白发往后梳得油光发亮。Squeeze a small amount onto the palm of your hand and spread the gel evenly through your hair.挤少量的发胶在手掌上,然后均匀地涂在头发上。Heating boils off the liquid in the gel.加热可以去掉凝胶里的水分。The gel is guaranteed to add gloss even to the dullest hair.这种发胶能令即使是最没有光泽的头发也亮泽起来。If you have sensitive skin, use a medicated shaving gel.敏感肤质请使用药物剃须凝露。This gel will add gloss to even the dullest hair.这种发胶即便最干枯的头发用了也会增添光泽。The gel hardens quickly.凝胶很快就变硬了。He tried to plaster his hair down with gel.他用发胶尽力地让头发服帖。Our plans are finally starting to gel.我们的计划终于开始变得明朗起来。There are signs that the United team is starting to gel at last.有迹象表明联队终于开始配合默契了。I switched to liquid shower gel from bar soap.我不用条状肥皂了,改用沐浴露了。Apply the gel to the injury site.将药膏敷在患处。Use a cooling gel to relieve the discomfort of sunburn.用一块退热软冻胶可以减轻太阳灼伤产生的不适。The mixture will gel as it cools.这种混合物冷却后会变成胶状。I use a styling gel to give texture to my hair.我用发胶给头发定型。After talking to you things began to gel.跟你一谈,情况开始变得明朗了。We used a gel to add gloss to her hair.我们用了一种发胶来使她的头发更亮泽。The molecules of a gel disaggregate to form a sol.凝胶分子解聚而成溶胶。The new recruits failed to gel as a team.新成员没有融为一个团队。If you put silicone gel on, it appears to improve scarring too.要是涂上硅胶,疤痕的状况看上去也会有所改善。




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