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词汇 gardening
例句 I began thumbing through the pages of a gardening catalogue.我随便翻起一本园艺目录。I enjoy doing the gardening.我喜欢干园艺活。She bought a house with a big yard so that she could indulge her passion for gardening.她买了一幢带大院子的房屋,以便满足自己摆弄花草的爱好。He might be doing a spot of gardening if the weather is fine.天气晴朗的话,他也许会侍弄侍弄花草。Unfortunately I'm not suitably dressed for gardening.不巧的是,我的穿着不适合做园艺活。Perhaps next year I'll have more time for gardening.也许明年我会有更多的时间搞园艺。I'd like to do more gardening, but I never seem able to find the time.我想多干点园艺活,可似乎总是找不到时间。She's into yoga and gardening.她对瑜珈和园艺很著迷。He's started a business doing gardening and roofing work.他开办了一家从事园艺和盖屋顶业务的公司。The gardening is Simon's department.园艺工作由西蒙负责。Margaret loves gardening.玛格丽特热爱园艺。His interest in gardening is all-consuming.他对园艺的兴趣到了废寝忘食的程度。I am totally averse to gardening.我十分讨厌园艺。He waxed eloquent on/about the pleasures of gardening.他滔滔不绝地谈论园艺工作的乐趣。Between projects, Morrison tries to rest, take stock, and do some gardening for relaxation.在两个项目之间,莫里森会设法休息一下,检讨得失,干点园艺活放松一下。I posted a message to a gardening newsgroup.我在园艺新闻讨论组发了一条消息。We sell pots, gloves, seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.我们出售花盆、手套、种子及其他各类园艺用品。Jonathan takes his gardening very seriously.乔纳森把自己的园艺看得很重。Production had shifted completely to the assembly of wheelbarrows and other gardening equipment.生产已完全转成了组装手推车和其他园艺设备。The store offers a bewildering array of gardening tools.这家商店的园艺工具令人目不暇接。His remarks about gardening were hardly to the purpose.他对园艺的一席话简直文不对题。After several hours gardening we sat down to admire the results of our labours.在花园里干了几个小时以后,我们坐下来欣赏劳动成果。He still likes to do a bit of gardening.他仍然喜欢干些园艺活。I generally do the gardening of a Sunday.我通常在星期天干园艺活。They have developed an interest in gardening.他们对园艺产生了兴趣。I don't like gardening - it's too much like hard work.我不喜欢园艺——太像苦力活了。Martin helped his father dig the water gardens out by hand. Thus he discovered his interest in gardening.马丁亲手帮他父亲修建起了水景园,就这样对园艺产生了兴趣。One of his hobbies is gardening.他的一个业余爱好是园艺。Eric's sister had nobly volunteered to help with the gardening.埃里克的姐姐真好,自告奋勇帮助收拾花园。Community service can involve anything from gardening to helping in old people's homes.社区服务范围很广,从园艺到去老人院帮忙,包罗万象。A little careful planning is important in gardening.园艺工作中仔细规划很重要。Her days are employed in gardening and voluntary work.她的时间都花在搞园艺和做义工上。I've hurt my back, so gardening is out as far as I'm concerned.我的背受了伤,所以对我来说干园艺活是不可能的。She started up her own market gardening business two years ago.两年前她开始经营自己的商品蔬菜栽培。Chris lists his hobbies as cycling, gardening, and chess.克里斯列出了他的业余爱好,如骑自行车、园艺和国际象棋。He devoted his time to painting, sculpture, and, latterly, to gardening.他把时间都花在绘画、雕塑上,后来又花在园艺上。Lots of people have written up to the radio station, asking for gardening advice.许多人已写信给广播电台,要求给予园艺方面的指导。They stock a very wide range of gardening tools.他们备有各种各样的园艺工具。The Internet is a mine of information on gardening.因特网可提供有关园艺的丰富信息。When it comes to gardening, she really knows her stuff. 提到园艺,她真称得上是专家。




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