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词汇 Funds
例句 Funds from the event will support the work of the hospice.这次活动募集的款项将用来资助临终关怀医院的工作。Funds were siphoned from the schools to build a new stadium.从各学校抽出资金来建造一座新体育场。George was already contributing to Democratic Party Funds.乔治早已在资助民主党基金会。Funds were not abundant and clever improvisation was necessary.资金并不富余,巧妙的临场应变是必要的。Funds have completely dried up.资金都用完了。Funds will be made available to ensure the provision of hospital services.将提供资金以确保医院服务正常。Funds were designated for projects in low-income areas.指定专款用于低收入地区的规划项目。Funds raised through selling these magazines are creamed off to support armed violence.出售这些杂志筹集到的资金被捞走用来支持武装暴动。




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