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词汇 frontier
例句 Troops established a road block on the frontier.军队在边境设立了一个路障。It was impossible for a private citizen to cross the frontier without special authorization.平民不经特准是不能越过边境的。They were sent on an expedition to explore the western frontier.他们被派往西部边疆探险。Soldiers were airlifted to the frontier's borders.士兵被空运到边境。The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.叛军控制了边境及其周边地区。He depicted the frontier as a howling wilderness inhabited by uncivilized savages.在他的描写中,边疆是个荒芜之地,住着一些未开化的野蛮人。Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium.里尔靠近法比边境。The new frontier has as yet no fences, trenches or barbed wire.新的边界迄今还没有栅栏、壕沟或铁丝网。Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.两国边境地区的仓库里堆满了一袋袋的大米和面粉。A vast distance intervened between our position and the frontier of British India.我们的位置与英属印度的边境相距遥远。There were very few border controls on the south-western frontier.西南国界上没几个边境检查站。They had to endure the hardships of life on the frontier.他们不得不忍受边疆生活的磨难。Rugged individualism forged America's frontier society.坚定的个人主义造就了美国的边疆社会。They settled in Ronco, a picturesque village near the Italian frontier.他们在龙科住了下来,那是靠近意大利边境的一个风景如画的小村子。The army was massing on the frontier.军队集结在边境上。Everything is quiet on the frontier.边境上一切安静。The car was turned back at the frontier.汽车在边境处被拦住了。The travellers were turned back at the frontier.旅游者在边境被挡了回来。The weapons were smuggled across the frontier.武器是偷运过边境的。Many of the cars crossing the frontier were stopped and searched.许多过境车辆都被拦下来接受搜查。He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy.他被诱骗越境,然后被当作间谍逮捕。Neither country would guarantee the integrity of their common frontier.两国都对双方间的共同国界存有争议。The army intensified its patrols along the frontier.军队加强了边境的巡逻。They were forced to retreat back over the frontier.他们被迫退回到边界线以内。Space is the final frontier for us to explore.太空是我们探索的最后一个领域。Until very recently Texas was an unsettled frontier.就在不久之前,得克萨斯州还是一个荒无人烟的边远地区。His novels were about the wild and woolly Western frontier.他的小说描述了混乱无序的西部边陲。The army crossed the frontier in the middle of the night.午夜时分,军队越过了边界。There was an army checkpoint at the frontier.边界上有一个军队检查站。She writes about the trials of life on the American frontier.她描述了美国边远地区生活的种种磨难。The frontier has worked him over inside.边疆生活使他内心起了很大变化。He was questioned by soldiers at a frontier post.他在边防哨所被士兵叫住了问话。The eastern frontier of France was the product of centuries of historical accidents.法国东部边界是几百年历史变故的结果。It wasn't difficult then to cross the frontier.当时过境并不难。They were trucked to the frontier.他们由卡车运送到边境。




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