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词汇 an opinion
例句 I can give you neither an opinion nor any advice.我既不能给你意见,也不能提供任何建议。I really don't know enough about it to offer an opinion.我对此知之甚少,真的无法给出个人意见。If I may be allowed to venture an opinion.请允许我冒昧地发表意见。He declined to give an opinion.他拒绝发表意见。It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.把事实和观点加以区别很重要。He declined to offer an opinion on the fairness of yesterday's verdict.他拒绝对昨天判决的公正性发表意见。It is easy to have an opinion on a moral issue like the death penalty for murder.对谋杀罪判死刑这样的道德问题,有个观点是很容易的。Most who expressed an opinion spoke favorably of Thomas.多数发表意见的人都说托马斯的好话。He writes an opinion piece in the 'New York Times'.他在《纽约时报》发表文章表态。His campaign manager wanted to find out how people felt. Accordingly , he took an opinion poll of the local voters.他的竞选负责人想知道民众的想法,因此,他在当地选民中进行了一次民意测验。I didn't think it wise to proffer an opinion.我认为提出意见是不明智的。Every-body in this factory is yacketing out an opinion on whether he should find a new job.这个厂里每一个人都在议论他现在是否该找一份新工作。I don't feel competent to give an opinion at the moment.我目前还没有足够的把握来发表看法。She offered not an opinion but a directive.她提供的不是意见,而是指示。I was merely stating an opinion.我仅仅是表达一个看法。I don't have an opinion one way or the other.无论怎样,我都没有意见。I am not qualified to give an opinion on the matter.我没有资格就此事发表意见。I'll have to go through all the clips on the event before I can give an opinion.我在提出看法前先得阅读关于这一事件的所有剪报。When she expressed an opinion he argued back.当她发表意见时他反驳了。It isn't fashionable to express such an opinion these days.如今表达这样的观点已经不时兴了。I can't pass an opinion upon your work without seeing it.没有看到你的作品,我不能发表意见。She usually has an opinion about whatever subject/topic/issue is under discussion. 不管讨论的主题/话题/问题是什么,她通常都有自己的看法。It's a grey area, and opinion is split.对这个问题目前还存在歧见。We conducted an opinion survey on the issue and found that most people agree.我们对这个问题进行了民意调查,发现大部分人都同意。Every time I express an opinion, she argues back.每当我发表意见时,她总是反驳。If you strip away all the rhetoric, you're left with an opinion that isn't backed up by facts.如果你剥掉所有说辞,剩下的就是一个没有证据支持的观点而已。




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