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词汇 推迟
例句 Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed.越南已经正式请求将会议推迟Delay is part of the normal process, but I hope we can move things along.虽然推迟是常事儿,但我希望我们能继续推进事情的进展。Dinner was somewhat delayed on account of David's rather tardy arrival.由于戴维德到得很晚,晚饭推迟了一会儿。The planned military assault on the city yesterday was unaccountably delayed.原计划昨天对那座城市发动军事袭击,不知何故被推迟了。The tour was postponed when the lead singer lost his voice.主唱嗓子失声,巡回演出推迟了。She'll defer her decision.她将推迟做出决定。Two new boutiques had put off their débuts.两家新的妇女时装用品商店推迟了开张的日期。Our visit had been postponed for several weeks.我们的访问推迟了几个星期。Do you know what's causing the delay?你知道推迟的原因吗?A London Underground spokesman defended the decision to hold the train until police arrived.伦敦地铁公司的发言人为推迟发车直到警方赶来的决定作了辩解。He would put it off if he could.如果行的话,他会推迟的。The target date for construction has been pushed back.目标中的修建日期被推迟了。I've got a full week next week - could we postpone our meeting?下周我相当忙——我们能把会议推迟吗?Several projects have been delayed by poor organisation.几个项目都因组织不力而被推迟The plane was delayed due to a last-minute hitch.飞机因最后一刻出了故障而推迟起飞。The company held back the first shipment of the new product until it was completely ready.公司推迟了新产品的第一次装运,直到它完全准备好。Congress can try to neutralize new legislation by modifying it or delaying it.国会可通过修改或推迟的办法使新的立法失去效力。The strike stalled our holiday plans.罢工推迟了我们的度假计划。The project has been delayed by innumerable problems.由于问题太多,计划已被推迟Pressure built yesterday for postponement of the ceremony.昨天要求推迟典礼的压力越来越大。The match has been postponed.比赛已经被推迟A US senator has postponed his announcement that he was bolting the Republican Party.一位美国参议员推迟了宣布脱离共和党的声明。Because of problems with the fuel system, the launch has been put back a week.由于燃料系统有问题,发射计划被推迟了一周。The legal to-ings and fro-ings could delay the start of the trial.繁琐的法律程序可能会使开审的时间推迟The plane's departure was delayed by mechanical problems.这架飞机因机械故障而推迟了起飞时间。The controversy threatens to delay the movie's release.这场争论有可能导致该电影推迟发行。Several projects have been delayed by poor organization.几个项目都因组织不力而被推迟We delayed the meeting a week so more people could attend.为使更多人能出席,我们把会议推迟了一星期。They quickly passed the word along that the meeting was postponed.他们很快把会议推迟的消息传达了出去。Economic/practical considerations forced her to delay her education.经济/现实原因迫使她推迟了自己的学业。The start date kept being put back, for a variety of reasons.由于种种原因,出发日期被一再推迟The World Bank has postponed an official response to the report.世界银行推迟了对该报告的正式回应。Everything's on hold again because of the bad weather.因为天气恶劣,一切都再次推迟了。Our flight was delayed—not that I minded , since I was late getting to the airport myself.我们的航班推迟了,不过既然我到机场迟了,我也就不介意了。The postponement was demanded and won on a point of order.因对程序问题的异议而提出了推迟要求并获得了通过。The visit has now been postponed indefinitely.参观已被无限期地推迟了。The conservative coalition could delay further reforms or block them altogether.保守同盟可能会推迟或彻底阻碍进一步的改革。The counting of votes was delayed in some areas because of obstruction by local officials.由于当地官员的阻挠,有些地区推迟了清点选票。The start of the race was delayed.比赛开始的时间推迟了。Bad weather forced us to postpone Friday's game.恶劣的天气迫使我们推迟了星期五的比赛。




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