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词汇 Friday
例句 Our MP holds a clinic every Friday evening.我们的议员每周五晚上为公众提供咨询服务。Her husband usually goes out with the lads on a Friday.她丈夫通常在周五和他的伙伴们一起出去。Andy goes out drinking every Friday.安迪每星期五都出去喝酒。Sophie goes to gymnastics every Friday.索菲每个星期五都去做体操。He says you're fired if you're not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.他说,如果你星期五还不回去上班的话就解雇你。我想他是当真的。My birthday is on a Friday this year.今年我的生日是一个星期五。The Senator will make his decision public on Friday.参议员将在周五把他的决定公之于众。Liam goes out drinking every Friday.利亚姆每个星期五都出去喝酒。She doesn't have class on Friday afternoons.每周五下午她都没有课。I'll pay you double if you get the work finished by Friday.如果你周五前完工,我付你双倍的报酬。Friday is dress-down day at the office.周五可穿便装上班。Every Friday there is a meeting at the factory where the workers can air their views and discuss problems.每个星期五工厂都召开一次会议,工人们可以各抒己见,一起来讨论问题。Every Friday, Mr James would hand out the students’ essays and give them some feedback.每个星期五,詹姆斯先生会分发学生的文章,并给他们一些反馈意见。I babysit every Friday to give her a break.每周五我都负责照看孩子,好给她一点休息的时间。The game has been postponed from Wednesday night to Friday night.比赛由周三晚推迟到周五晚。He could see you this Friday morning.他本周五上午可以见你。Please make my excuses at the meeting on Friday.我不能参加周五的会议了,请代我致歉。Mum and Dad used to go dancing every Friday night.妈妈和爸爸过去每周五晚上都出去跳舞。The game's on Friday, so we're starting to gear ourselves up during training.比赛在星期五,因此我们在训练时开始让自己进入状态。What time do you ring out on a Friday?你们星期五什么时间打卡下班?On my way to Vancouver one Friday night I picked up a hitchhiker.一个周五晚上,我在去温哥华的途中捎上了一个搭便车的人。We like to drink suds together every Friday night.星期五晚上我们喜欢聚在一起喝啤酒。He will treat us to dinner this Friday.本星期五他要请我们吃饭。I'm seeing my therapist on Friday morning.周五上午我要去找我的治疗医生。I have a date with Camilla on Friday night.我星期五晚上和卡米拉有约会。On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.周五他表现得既不得体又有失身份。如此失态非常罕见。The distribution of paychecks will happen every other Friday.每隔一周的周五发放工资。Officers took three suspects into custody Friday morning.星期五早晨,警方拘留了三名嫌疑犯。We can go on Tuesday or Friday, whichever you prefer.我们可以星期二走或者星期五走,你愿意选哪天都行。Analysts said the outlook was favourable after stock markets closed on Friday.分析家们说股市星期五收盘后前景乐观。If you could complete the report by Friday, that would be ideal.如果你星期五之前能完成这份报告,那是最理想的了。I usually have a pint or two at my local on Friday nights.星期五晚上我通常在邻近的小酒馆里喝上一两品脱。Mr Wyatt is away on business and cannot be contacted till Friday.怀亚特先生正在出差,到周五才能联系到。They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.他们周五去投票站选举他们想要的国家管理者。Friday evenings we go to temple. 星期五晚上我们都去会堂礼拜。The meeting is scheduled for Friday.会议安排在周五。We made plans to go out this Friday.我们计划本周五外出。He gave us Friday as our day of meeting.他指定星期五为我们见面的日子。The upshot is that we're going for lunch on Friday.结果是我们周五要一起去吃午餐。They finally decided to leave on Saturday instead of Friday.他们最终决定星期六离开,而不是星期五。




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