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词汇 职员
例句 I found all the staff friendly and helpful.我觉得所有的职员都很友好且乐意帮忙。Their staff are heavily overloaded with work.他们的职员超负荷工作。The bank robbers gunned down two employees who tried to stop them getting away.抢劫银行的歹徒开枪击倒了两名试图阻止他们逃跑的职员When the company went under, some of our workers found positions with Ford.公司倒闭后,我们的一些职员在福特公司找到了工作。Like all the staff at the health club she had the healthy glow of the young and fit.和健康俱乐部的所有职员一样,她带着一种年轻健康的光芒。Staff are often discourteous and sometimes downright rude.职员常常态度很不礼貌,有时候极其蛮横。The records contain the bank details of all employees.这些记录包括所有职员的银行账户资料。The sale of the company will have serious implications for people's jobs.出售公司会对职员的工作产生严重的影响。Jackson is one of the old-timers in this department.杰克逊是该部门的老职员之一。I found the staff accommodating and knowledgeable.我发现这些职员乐于助人且很有见识。There were persistent rumours of drug-taking among staff.职员吸毒的传言不绝于耳。Clerks bundled papers into files willy-nilly.职员们随意地将文件塞进文件夹里。The staff here can pinch hit for each other when the hotel is busy.宾馆客人多时,这里的职员可以互相替班。The robbers tied up the clerk.劫匪把那名职员绑了起来。The attitude of the staff was offhand.职员的态度漫不经心。The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.这个职员好心而又饶有兴趣地看着他。As a shop clerk, she would shuttlecock behind the counter all day.作为一个商店职员,她整天在柜台后面走来走去。The director prohibited employees from making personal calls.主任禁止职员打私人电话。The company authorized its staff to poach customers from the opposition.公司授权其职员从竞争对手那里挖顾客。Few companies can afford, out of pocket, to pay staff salaries.没有几家公司有能力用手头现款来给职员发工资。These changes will involve everyone on the staff.这些变化将影响每一位职员Government workers know how easy it is to work the system.政府部门的职员知道利用制度是一件多么容易的事。Many employees are hopping mad over the new contract.许多职员都对新合同感到非常气愤。The employees had little/no say in the restructuring of the company.职员们在公司重组过程中几乎没有/完全没有发言权。Staff at most banks have walked out.大多数银行的职员罢工了。Some people have found the staff rude.一些人觉得这些职员很不礼貌。Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要到更远的地方出差的职员可以领取额外差旅费。Do you consider any of the staff to be dispensable?你认为有哪位职员是可有可无的吗?Staff must report for duty at their normal place of work.职员必须在平时上班的地方签到。The clerks were helpful and courteous.职员们都很愿意帮忙,而且谦恭有礼。Staff at some air and sea ports are beginning to protest over pay.一些机场和港口的职员开始抗议薪酬太低。Generous redundancy terms had triggered a stampede of staff wanting to leave.优厚的裁员条件引发了职员争先恐后地要求辞职的现象。Most of the staff is away today so you'll have to use whoever is available.今天大多数职员都外出了,所以你得谁有空就叫谁。Some staff members are beginning to mutter about the new president.有些职员开始抱怨新任的总经理。The company employs about eighty people.公司有大概八十个职员The staff were somewhat alarmed by the man, who was in an excitable state.那个情绪激动的男人让职员们感到有些恐慌。They've increased the number of staff and consequently the service is better.他们增加了职员,因此服务更好了。The company has done a deal with the cleaning staff.公司已经与保洁部门的职员达成了协议。Our staff are now recruited centrally rather than locally.我们的职员现在是集中招聘而不是由地方招聘。You will be remunerated and so will your staff.你将得到酬劳,你的职员也如此。




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