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词汇 fraud
例句 Three auditors were accused of aiding and abetting the men charged with fraud.有人告发三名税务稽查员与那些被控诈骗的人同谋作案。This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.诈骗丑闻最新爆出的这一事件让很多人瞠目结舌。The Police Department has suspended six officers from duty while they investigate claims of fraud and corruption.警察局已勒令六名警员停职以调查他们是否有欺诈腐败的行为。The bank was closed down amid allegations of corruption and fraud.这家银行在腐败和欺诈的斥责声中关门了。He may be a fraud, but you have to admire his cunning.他或许是个骗子,但你不得不佩服他的狡黠。The club is under investigation by the fraud squad.反诈骗调查组正在对该俱乐部进行调查。He has categorically denied being involved in the fraud.他断然否认自己与诈骗有关。The couple were put on trial for fraud and found guilty.夫妇俩因诈骗被送上法庭,被判有罪。The state police finally nailed him for fraud.州警方最终以诈骗罪逮捕了他。An investigation into his personal finances produced no evidence of fraud对他进行了个人资金状况调查后,没有发现欺诈行为的证据。She was found guilty of fraud.她被裁定犯有诈骗罪。She has a long record of small-time capers that include everything from shoplifting to fraud.她的不良记录很多,从入店行窃到诈骗,什么都有。State law punishes fraud with fines.州法律对诈骗处以罚金。They leveled a fraud charge against him. 他们控告他犯有欺诈罪。So he is a fraud, a common thief in other words.所以他是个骗子,也就是说,是个惯偷。Other charges include fraud and illegal appropriation of land.其他指控包括欺诈罪和非法侵占土地罪。The senator called the new highways proposal "a fraud and a boondoggle that the taxpayer should not tolerate."参议员称新的道路建设提案是“…毫无意义的骗钱工程,纳税人不应该容忍”。It is not competent to the defendant to allege fraud in the plaintiff.被告指称原告诈骗是不恰当的。The charges arise out of a long-running fraud enquiry by Merseyside police.这些指控是默西赛德郡警方对诈骗案进行长期调查后提出的。The new measures can only hope to keep fraud at tolerable levels.这些新的举措也只能把欺诈行为控制在可接受的范围里。Investigators are taking aim at health-care fraud. 调查人员致力于惩罚/杜绝医疗保健欺诈行为。On Tuesday last week, Finnegan was detained and questioned by fraud squad officers.上周二,芬尼根被反欺诈小队的警察扣押问话。There have been allegations of fraud in the city government.市政府被指控有欺诈行为。We want to have a fresh look at the difficult subject of corporate fraud.我们想从新的角度探讨一下公司欺诈这个棘手的话题。The story is about theft, fraud, and deceit on an incredible scale.小说描述了令人难以置信的盗窃、行骗和欺诈行为。The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.由于有选民欺诈,选举结果被宣布无效。The police exposed the letter as a fraud.警方揭露那封信是个骗局。The club is under investigation by the fraud squad.该俱乐部正在接受反诈骗小组的调查。A bank lost several million pounds through a sophisticated computer fraud.一家银行由于一次错综复杂的计算机诈骗损失了几百万英镑。He's not a real doctor, he's a fraud.他不是一位真正的医生,他是个骗子。The plaintiff accused the defendant of fraud.原告指控被告欺诈。There was fraud on a colossal scale.曾出现大规模的欺诈行为。Stock market fraud is sometimes regarded as a victimless crime.股市欺诈有时被认为是没有受害人的犯罪。Two other executives appeared at Worthing Magistrates' Court charged with tax fraud.又有两个经理因偷税漏税指控被传唤到沃辛治安法庭。Unluckily for him, the fraud officers were watching this flight too.对他而言不幸的是,那些反诈骗官员也在密切注视着这个航班。The directors of the company made millions from cooking the books before the fraud investigators caught them.该公司的董事在诈骗案调查员查到他们以前,通过伪造账目捞了几百万。She was charged with fraud, but her lawyer managed to get her off.她被指控诈骗,但是她的律师设法使她免受惩罚。He was found guilty of fraud.他被判决犯有诈骗罪。The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.对他的指控包括诈骗、行贿和伪造商业记录。He's gone to jail for fraud.他已因诈骗罪入狱。




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