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词汇 annually
例句 Their earnings increase annually. 他们的收入每年都增加。Fifteen thousand bird watchers visit annually.每年有一万五千名观鸟者到访。The switchover to daylight saving time represents a one percent saving of electricity annually.使用夏时制后,每年的电力使用量节省了百分之一。Dividends are paid quarterly or annually.股息按季度或者按年来支付。We meet annually in July.我们每年七月见面。Congress annually enacts legislation to fund NASA.国会每年通过立法向国家航空航天局拨款。He culls his herd annually.他每年都要宰杀他的一部分畜群。The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually.牛奶和谷类食物的价格每年确定一次。Companies report to their shareholders annually.公司每年向股东通报一次营业状况。More trees are being felled annually now than ever before.现在每年砍伐的树比过去多。The prize is awarded annually for the best new building.这一奖项每年一次,授予本年度的最佳新建筑。Members of the council are elected annually.政务委员会委员每年选举一次。These animals migrate annually in search of food.这些动物为寻找食物每年都迁徙。It makes no difference whether dividends are paid quarterly or annually.红利按季发放还是按年发放没有什么差别。The initial rent will be reviewed annually.首期租金每年都要审核。A counterculture group that annually brings together thousands of people for peace gatherings will convene in the Black Hills next month.一个每年会召集数千人参加和平集会的反文化团体,将于下个月在黑山集结。The chairmanship of the committee rotates annually.委员会主席的职位每年轮换一次。Walmax, a California superstore, grosses more than eight million dollars annually.沃玛克斯是加州的一家超级市场,每年总利润有八百多万美元。A local girl annually reigns over distribution of the loaves on that island.在那个岛上,每年由一位当地姑娘主持面包分配事宜。Membership must be renewed annually.会员资格必须每年更新一次。Independence Day is celebrated annually.独立日每年都庆祝一次。They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.他们每年庆祝一番结婚纪念日。Interest is compounded annually.利息以一年一期复利计算。This event is staged annually, in the last week of September.该活动于每年九月的最后一个星期举办。Lower-level workers were paid hourly while executives were paid annually.低级别工人按小时付酬,而主管们则是按年付酬。The bond yields seven percent annually.这种债券的年收益率为百分之七。The freemen voted annually for a governor.市民们每年都选出一名市长。As you are aware, a fee will be charged annually.正如你所知道的那样,每年都要收取费用。The prize is awarded annually.该奖每年颁发一次。The low grounds along the river are annually flowed.沿河的低洼地每年都要受淹。The tax bills are sent out annually, so it's very easy for small employers to fall into arrears.税单一年寄出一次,所以一些小雇主很容易拖欠税金。A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.正式签订了每年可续签的合同。Deciduous trees shed their leaves annually.落叶树木每年都落叶。Make sure that all gas fires and central heating boilers are serviced annually.确保所有的煤气取暖器和中央供暖的锅炉每年都检修一次。You can pay monthly or annually.你可以按月或按年付款。A report of the company's earnings is published annually.公司每年都公布收益报告。




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