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词汇 适度
例句 Practical jokes within limits is acceptable.适度的恶作剧可以接受。She proposed a modest expansion of unemployment benefits.她提议适度扩大失业救济。There's little debate about the health benefits of moderate exercise.对于适度运动的健康益处几乎毫无争议。I believe we have occasion here for mild but genuine celebration.我认为我们有理由为此举行适度但却是真诚由衷的庆祝。The modesty of this approach was surpassed only by its success.这种方法非常适度,在这一点上,其值得称道的地方仅次于其取得的成效。The system gives people a measure of protection against pollution.该系统可适度保护人们免受污染。All I had to do was be halfway cool.我要做的只是保持适度的冷静。Make sure that the muscles get the proper amount of extension.务必让肌肉得到适度的伸展。A moderate amount of stress can be beneficial.适度的压力是有益的。I have modest expectations about what my research can accomplish.对自己的研究能取得的成果,我抱有适度的期望。While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.适度的压力是有好处的,但是压力太大会把人压垮。There's nothing wrong with gambling as such , but it's best to do it in moderation.赌博本身没有什么错,但是最好适度The US economy continues to grow modestly.美国经济继续适度增长。He believed in temperance in all things.他认为凡事都要适度The market is flooded with skilled workers, so their wages rise modestly.市场中充斥着大量熟练技术工人,所以他们的工资会适度增长。Moderate exercise, such as walking, is recommended.建议适度锻炼,如散步。You don't have to deny yourself everything that's nice when you're pregnant. Moderation is the watchword.怀孕时没有必要抗拒一切平时喜欢的东西。关键是要适度The President's claim must be regarded with a healthy dose of scepticism.必须对总统的说法持适度的怀疑。A certain amount of caution is advisable at this point.此刻保持适度谨慎是明智的。She feels that there is nothing wrong with gambling per se, but she thinks that it should be done in moderation.她认为赌博本身没有错,但是应该适度Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little.双腿适度分开站立,双膝稍稍弯曲。Her doctor recommended moderate exercise.医生建议她适度运动。




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