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词汇 frailty
例句 Figures of authority are all too prone to human frailty.权威人物都太容易受到人类意志薄弱的影响。She died after a long period of increasing frailty.在很长一段时间里她身体日渐衰弱,最后离开人世。We hadn't seen her for many years and were shocked by her frailty.我们有许多年没见到她了,她那么瘦弱,让我们感到惊愕。Though ill for most of her life, physical frailty never stopped her from working.尽管她一生中大部分时间都病魔缠身,但身体上的虚弱从未使她停止工作。Many people have difficulty in walking, for example through age or frailty.许多人行走有困难,譬如说由于年老或虚弱。He staggers on as president, despite his increasing frailty.尽管过失越来越多,他依然在总统的位置上硬撑着。Despite increasing physical frailty, he continued to write stories.尽管身体越来越虚弱,他仍然继续写小说。He is not immune to human frailty. 他也会暴露出人性的弱点。Do you look forward to old age, or do you dread frailty, loss of memory and dependence on others?你是期望变老,还是害怕自己年迈体衰、记忆减退,而且还要依赖他人?




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