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词汇 cursed
例句 She cursed herself for being so raw to believe anything.她骂自己太幼稚,不管什么事都轻信。The whole family seemed cursed.这一家子似乎都遭到了诅咒。Things were going so badly - it was as if I'd been cursed.事情这么不顺利——我好像被施了魔咒。I think my car is cursed - it never starts when I need it.这车肯定是被施了咒——每次我要用时总是发动不起来。He cursed as he tripped over the broom.他被扫帚绊倒后骂了一句。He cursed himself for being so careless.他责骂自己太大意了。She cursed herself for being such a fool.她骂自己怎么那么笨。It's a cursed nuisance, having to work late every evening!真烦人,每天晚上都得工作到很晚!He cursed and his mother angrily told him to watch his mouth. 他骂骂咧咧的,他母亲告诫他说话注意点。She angrily cursed him as he turned and walked away.他转身离开时,她气得对着他破口大骂。The region has been cursed with a series of floods.该地区接二连三地遭到洪水袭击。He cursed me, using a lot of rude epithets.他用上许多粗鲁的修饰词来诅咒我。Some people think the old house is cursed.有些人认为那幢老宅中了魔咒。The team has been cursed by injuries all year.一年来,这个队的队员一直为伤病所困扰。I can't get this cursed radio to work.我弄不好这该死的收音机。They claimed that the witch had cursed their cattle.他们声称女巫对他们的牛下了诅咒。They were starting to believe that the house was cursed.他们开始相信这房子遭到了诅咒。He cursed himself for having been so careless.他骂自己怎么那么不小心。He cursed himself for not having foreseen that something like this might happen.他咒骂自己没有预料到诸如此类的事情会发生。My boss cursed me out.老板骂了我一顿。The museum has been cursed by financial problems since it opened.这家博物馆自开馆以来就一直受到资金问题的困扰。He is cursed with a violent temper.他深受暴躁脾气之害。The ground was cursed because of him.这个场地因他而受到诅咒。Local legends told of a family in which the women were all cursed with clairvoyance.当地传说中有一家人,其中的女性成员都能预知未来,深受其苦。I wish this cursed place was burned.我希望这该死的地方被烧毁。Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.奶奶提出抗议,但他辱骂她并把她粗暴地推到一旁。He cursed his bad luck in arriving just after she'd left.他骂自己运气不好,到达的时候她刚好离开。The ground was cursed because of him.大地因为他而遭受诅咒。Legend says that the forest is cursed.传说那是一片受了诅咒的森林。I'd cursed him and railed at him.我把他骂了一通,还狠狠地斥责了他。She felt the reverberation(s) in her chest and cursed the drilling outside.室外的电钻声震得她心肺难受,她不由得咒骂起来。People cursed and stammered apologies.大家骂了几句,然后结结巴巴地道歉。Whitlock silently cursed Graham for heaping more suspicion on him.惠特洛克心里暗暗咒骂格雷厄姆让自己备受猜疑。She cursed her bad luck.她骂自己运气不好。Anne is cursed with a really foul temper.安妮深受脾气暴躁之害。She cursed loudly and coarsely.她粗鲁地大声咒骂。She cursed her luck that she had had to wait for so long.她骂自己运气不佳,得排那么长时间的队。He cursed his cousin, yes, and beat him.他咒骂他表弟,不但如此,还打了他。Bulman was cursed with a poor memory for names.布尔曼为总是记不住名字而倍感苦恼。He chuckled/smiled/cursed inwardly.他暗自低声轻笑/微笑/诅咒。




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