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词汇 founder
例句 It turns out I was sitting next to none other than the founder of the magazine.结果我竟然坐在这本杂志的创始人旁边。Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.没有了创始人的斗志与指引,公司逐渐走向没落。Such departures from the founder's principles have not prevented the military from deifying Ataturk.这些与国父阿嗒图尔克的原则背道而驰的行为并没有阻止军方神化他。Who is the founder of this day care center?谁是这家日间托儿所的创办人? The boat was so small that it would founder in a big sea.这船太小了,在大浪里会沉没的。A New York jury brought criminal indictments against the founder of the organization.纽约的一个陪审团对该组织创始人提起了多项刑事诉讼。Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion.穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。She was the founder of the company and its guiding spirit.她是公司的奠基人,同时也是公司的领路者。Though the service is available only in California, its founder Michael Cane says he plans to franchise it in other states.尽管只有在加利福尼亚才有这项服务,其创立者迈克尔·凯恩表示计划在其他州出售特许经营权。The building was named in honor of the city's founder.这座大厦以城市创建者的名字命名,以示纪念。Mr Meridor's father was a comrade-in-arms of the party's founder.梅里多先生的父亲是该党创始人的战友。He was the founder and guiding spirit of New York's Shakespeare Festival.他是纽约莎士比亚戏剧节的创始人及领导者。Our success is due in large measure to the company's founder.我们的成功在很大程度上要归功于公司的创建者。With the death of its founder, the campaign lost much of its impetus.这项运动因为创始人逝世而势头大减。He's the son of the company's founder.他是公司创始人的儿子。Why is the organization choosing to dissociate itself from its founder?这个组织为什么会选择脱离其创始者呢?Yassin is the founder of the militant Islamic movement Hamas.亚辛是伊斯兰激进运动组织哈马斯的创始人。René Descartes is regarded as the founder of modern philosophy.勒内•揓卡尔被视为现代哲学的奠基人。The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college's founder.那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe.这部史诗歌颂了这个原始部落的创始人。Our company is managed by the son of the founder.本公司现由创建人之子经营。She is the founder and managing director of the company.她是公司的创办者兼总经理。He's the founder of Europe's biggest no-frills airline.他是欧洲最大廉价航空公司的创立者。A monk named Kashyapa is regarded as the founder of the Zen sect of Buddhism.一位名叫迦叶的和尚被认为是佛教禅宗派的创始人。He is the founder of the club.他是这个俱乐部的创始人。The company founder must be turning in his grave because of the changes we've made.看到我们所做的改变,公司创始人一定在九泉之下不得安宁。He is the founder of International Sports Management Limited.他是国际体育管理有限公司的创始人。




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