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词汇 for money
例句 Local companies were solicited for money.当地公司被请求提供赞助。My kind words led up to a request for money.我讲了一些客气话,作为开口要钱的准备。Don't ask me for money every time you want to buy a drink.别每次想喝酒时都问我要钱。I did this work for my own enjoyment, not for money.我做这个工作主要是为了自己的乐趣,不是为了赚钱。The town's a little pinched for money.这个城镇财政上有些捉襟见肘。Two ragged children stood outside the station, begging for money.两个衣衫褴褛的孩子站在车站外乞讨。The show was less than one hour long and we didn't really get value for money.演出不到一个小时就结束,我们的钱花得不值得。He had to resort to asking his parents for money.他只能伸手向父母要钱了。I'm so sick of the panhandlers always asking for money.我讨厌这些乞丐老是来要钱。There's a special ticket that means you can see six concerts, which is definitely good value for money.有一种特别的票可以让你看六场音乐会,绝对合算。He won't degrade himself by asking for money.他不愿意因向人要钱而使自己丢失面子。She depends entirely on her parents for money.她完全依赖父母给她钱。He was driven by greed for money and power.他受利欲和权欲的驱使。Just a few years ago, Tanya was homeless and begging for money in front of the supermarket.就在几年之前,塔妮娅还是无家可归,在超级市场门前向人要钱。If you were about to ask me for money, skip it!如果你要问我借钱就甭提了!He gets fed up with people pestering him for money.人们一直缠着他要钱,他真是受够了。The boy has never wanted for money.男孩从不缺钱花。Tom teased his mother for money.汤姆缠着妈妈要钱。He'd come to me for money whenever he was on his uppers.他手头一紧就来找我要钱。The begger begged for money from the people in the street.乞丐向过往行人讨钱。Ninety per cent of spies betray their countries for money.有九成间谍为了金钱背叛自己的祖国。She dipped into her purse for money.她在钱包中掏钱。The desk had been rifled for money, some banknotes taken but cheque-book and credit cards left untouched.为了找到钱,桌子被翻过了,拿走了一些钞票,但支票簿和信用卡原封未动。Friends would always ask her for money.朋友们总向她要钱。He is so deep in debt and desperate for money that he's apparently willing to say anything.他负债累累,急需要钱,很显然什么话都说得出来。What really upset me was the humiliation of having to ask her for money.最叫我难过的是向她伸手要钱的这种屈辱。If you're asking me for money, the answer's no!如果你向我要钱,我的回答是没有!I can't believe he had the gall to ask you for money.我不敢相信他竟有脸问你要钱。The beggar thrust out a hand for money.那个乞丐突然伸出一只手讨钱。A young kid came asking for money but I sent him away with a flea in his ear.一个小孩来要钱,但是我气冲冲地把他轰走了。She begged for money from the foreigners in the park.她向游园的外国人讨钱。He has the assurance to ask me for money.他竟厚着脸皮向我要钱。He no longer depends on his parents for money.他不再依靠父母的资助了。It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.看到一个人因为追逐金钱和权力而如此腐化真是悲哀。The country is a major centre for money laundering.这个国家是个很大的洗钱中心。She was desperate for money, but she would not descend to asking her friends for help.她急需用钱,但她绝不会降低身份去向朋友们求助。In her extreme youth, Maria had sold her sexual favours for money.玛丽亚在非常年轻的时候,曾靠卖淫来赚钱。They were looking for money to fund/launch a start-up.他们正在筹集资金创业。As soon as she won the lottery, people started coming out of the woodwork, asking for money.她刚一中彩票,大家就纷纷冒出来向她要钱。When I left the restaurant, I was confronted by two men who asked me for money.当我离开餐馆时,劈面遇到两个人向我要钱。




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