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词汇 for men
例句 This season's prêt-à-porter for men was the most outlandish it has been in in decades, with sequins and feathers turning heads at the London shows.这一季的流行男装成衣是近几十年来最奇异的,在伦敦展示时,闪光饰片和羽毛等让这些衣服颇受瞩目。In those days it was socially unacceptable for men to cry in public, or to express their personal feelings.当时,男人在公开场合哭泣或表达个人情感不为社会所接受。There is a single standard for men and women.对男性和女性的标准是同一个。It was fashionable for men to wear their hair long.男人留长发曾经很流行。Opportunities for men and women, though especially the latter, are limited to employment in agriculture or domestic service.男女的就业机会,尤其是后者,局限于农业或家务方面。It was a night made for men of stout heart, a night for old-fashioned heroes.这是为勇士们准备的夜晚,是为传统的英雄们准备的夜晚。During that period, the style for men was to wear their hair plastered down on their heads.在那个时期,男人们的时尚是留平滑头发。We have all wished for men who are more considerate.我们都曾祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。It's dangerous work but for men like Clement, summer firefighting is an important source of income.夏季救火是一项危险的工作,但对于克莱门特这样的人来说却是一种重要的收入来源。Canoeing is a good sport for men as it works the upper body and stomach.划独木舟是对男性有益的运动,因为它可以锻炼上身和腹部。To a certain extent it's easier for men to get work.在一定程度上,男性更容易找到工作。We are making steady progress towards equal status for men and women.我们在实现男女平等的问题上取得了稳步的进展。There are separate restrooms for men and women.有男女分开使用的卫生间。It's very common for men to put women they love on a pedestal.男人盲目崇拜所爱女子很是常见。At a certain age, it's not viable for men to take a backward step into unskilled work.到了一定的年龄,就不可能再退回去干不需要技能的工作。There's not much precedent for men taking leave when their baby is born.男性因孩子出生而休假的先例不多。It's okay for men to wear moisturizer.男人可以擦保湿霜。Short haircuts for men went out for a time, and then they came back into fashion.男人留短发曾一度过时,后来又流行起来了。One hall of residence is for men, one is for women and the third is mixed.宿舍一栋住男生,一栋住女生,还有一栋是男女混合的。




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