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词汇 for good
例句 Frank was moved to a minimum-security prison for good behaviour.弗兰克因为表现良好,被转到一个警戒最宽松的监狱。Unsocial hours make for good rates of pay.非正常工作时间的工资高。He was so disgusted by the election results that he swore off politics for good.他对选举结果十分不满,发誓从此不问政治。The newspaper has a reputation for good reporting and world exclusives.这家报纸享有报道精确和提供世界性独家新闻的美誉。He had a name for good judgement.他以判断准确而闻名。We are hoping for good weather.我们正盼着好天气。In disadvantaged areas, schools can be a force for good.在贫困地区,学校可能会成为改善现状的力量。She had her jail term cut for good behaviour.她因表现良好获得减刑。The school is crying out for good teachers.这所学校迫切需要优秀教师。You mustn't chisel for good marks.你千万不要为得高分而作弊。He's late again. So much for good intentions.想得再好也没用,他又迟到了。The organization has been a strong force for good. 这个组织已经是一支强大的慈善队伍。Throw in a splash of red wine for good measure.另外加入一点红葡萄酒。I repeated my question for good measure.此外我还把我的问题重复了一遍。As a bonus for good behavior you can stay up late.作为表现好的奖励,你可以晚点睡觉。A few shots of this drug cleared up the disease for good.注射几次这种药物就根除了这种疾病。The company has been held up as a model employer, and for good reason. They have a good training program and excellent benefits.该公司被奉为模范雇主,这是有充足理由的。他们有出色的培训计划以及优厚的福利待遇。We thought she'd come for a visit, but it seems she's staying for good.我们以为她是来作客的,但看来她是永远不会走了。He prayed for good weather.他祈祷风调雨顺。Regular exercise is essential for good health.有规律的锻炼对健康至关重要。Most people can appreciate the importance of exercise for good health.大多数人能够正确估计锻炼对健康的重要性。Their factory had to close down for good.他们的工厂只好永远关闭。He was given three months remission for good conduct.他因为表现好而减刑三个月。I believe that everyone has a potential for good.我认为每个人都是向善的。We're praying for good weather tomorrow.我们企盼明天是个好天气。Two students chiseled for good marks.两个学生为了取得高分而作弊。Teachers can be a strong force for good.教师使人从善的巨大力量。I'm always in the market for good new ideas.对于好的新主意我总是乐意接受的。I'm hoping for good results.我希望有好结果。In addition to dessert, they served fruit for good measure.除了甜点心外,他们再加上水果。The Internet can be a force for good by helping to spread knowledge.因特网可以为善,成为帮助传播知识的重要力量。He was always on the lookout for good new music.他总是留心新的好音乐。Police hope to bust up the crime ring for good.警方希望永久铲除这个犯罪集团。She had a liking for good clothes.她喜欢高级服装。As a director, I'm always looking for good actors, but it's a bonus if they are easy to get along with too.作为导演我总是在寻觅优秀的演员,只是如果他们也性情随和就更好了。The area does not lack for good restaurants. 这个地区不乏好的餐馆。Children get stickers for good behaviour.小孩子守规矩就能得到贴纸。The prisoner was released early for good conduct.这个囚犯因表现良好而被提前释放。The restaurant fills a need for good healthful food and for a good place to meet.这家餐厅满足了人们对好的健康食品和约会场所的需要。The Chancellor's upbeat message that the Government had licked inflation for good was marred by more job losses.总理乐观地声称政府已经一劳永逸地解决了通货膨胀问题,但更多人的失业却令这一消息大为减色。




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