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The body cannot be buried until the funeral rites have been performed.要到举行过葬礼后遗体才能下葬。We were held up by a long funeral procession.我们被一列长长的送葬队伍堵住了路。Bishop Silvester officiated at the funeral.西尔韦斯特主教主持了葬礼。A clergyman friend of the family conducted the funeral.这家人的一位牧师朋友主持了葬礼。The funeral was a painful experience.那场葬礼让人难过。In lieu of flowers, funeral money will be donated to Queen's Mountaineering Club.赠送给女王登山俱乐部的将是殡仪费,而不是鲜花。Neither his son nor his daughter were at the funeral.他的儿子和女儿都没有参加葬礼。All the living presidents attended Nixon's funeral.所有活著的总统参加了尼克森的葬礼。Jamie had sent round a memo with the time and place of the funeral.杰米已将载明葬礼时间和地点的备忘录分发出去。The funeral was a sombre occasion.葬礼是严肃的场合。Their grief turned to hysteria when the funeral procession arrived at the cemetery…当送葬队走到墓地时,他们更加悲恸欲绝。My brother attended to all the funeral arrangements.我哥哥安排了葬礼的一切事宜。His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral.他的葬礼将于周四在布莱克本大教堂举行。On the day of her funeral the church was packed with friends and relatives.她葬礼的那天教堂里挤满了她的亲朋好友。They waited in respectful silence as the funeral procession went past.送葬队伍经过时,他们一言不发毕恭毕敬地等待着。Thousands of workers joined the funeral procession.数千名工人加入了送葬行列。Coming back for her uncle's funeral was not a happy homecoming for her.回来参加叔叔的葬礼对她来说可不是一次愉快的回家之行。The funeral cortège passed, to suitably sombre music.送葬行列在忧伤的音乐中走过。His funeral was the occasion of a massive outpouring of grief.他的葬礼引发了巨大的悲痛。Many people from the art world attended the funeral.美术界许多人士参加了葬礼。Police colleagues formed a guard of honour at her funeral.警队的同事在她的葬礼上充当仪仗队。I sent my husband to represent me at the funeral.我让我丈夫代表我参加葬礼。He read out a poem at her funeral.他在她的葬礼上朗读了一首诗。When you prearrange your funeral, you can pick your own flowers and music.如果预先准备自己的葬礼,就能选择自己喜欢的鲜花和音乐。Organizers of the President's funeral plan a large ceremony for the general public, and a small, private affair for his family.总统葬礼的筹办者给普通民众安排了一个大型追悼会,给家属则安排了一个私人的小型追思会。What with George's funeral and her daughter's divorce, it had all been too much for poor Elizabeth.乔治的葬礼再加上女儿的离婚,这一切对可怜的伊丽莎白打击太大了。He has three days of compassionate leave for the funeral.他有三天的丧假操办葬礼。Tell the boss she's wrong if you like: it's your funeral!你尽管告诉老板是她自己错了:你这是自讨苦吃!At Llewellyn's funeral service, she was remembered as a patriotic American who had served her country well.在卢埃林的葬礼上,她被人视为为国尽忠的爱国的美国人而受到缅怀。She was in a bad way after the funeral.葬礼之后,她非常难受。He had nothing to do with arranging the funeral, but came along to pay his last respects.他不是来筹备葬礼的,只是过来向遗体告别的。She had not shed a single tear during the funeral.在葬礼上她没流一滴眼泪。His funeral was a great occasion of public mourning.他的葬礼是一次给大众追思的重要时刻。The funeral made its way slowly through the silent streets.送葬的队伍缓缓穿过肃穆的街道。I don't remember Uncle Bob. I don't think he was at the funeral.我不记得鲍勃舅舅,我想他没有参加葬礼。The funeral was attended by friends and relations.死者的亲友参加了葬礼。His cousin made the funeral arrangements.他的表弟安排了葬礼事宜。The funeral was held in St Mary's Church.葬礼在圣玛丽教堂举行。We paid our last respects at his funeral. 我们在他的葬礼上向他表达最后的敬意。It is only right and proper that you should attend his funeral.于情于理你都应该参加他的葬礼。 |