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词汇 forgive
例句 I could understand her being angry, but I'll still never forgive her the way she treated me afterwards.我能够理解她气愤的心情,但我仍无法原谅她事后对我的报复。I'll never forgive him for what he did to me.他那样虐待我,我永远也不会原谅他。When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his showboating and other antics.当他在那个下午打进第四个球时,我们只好原谅他的卖弄行为及其他滑稽动作。The government has agreed to forgive some of the debt.政府已经同意免除部分债务。It was big of him to forgive them after the way they treated him.他真是宽宏大量,在他们那样对待他之后还能原谅他们。We've had our differences in the past, but now it's time to forgive and forget.过去我们有分歧,但现在是尽释前嫌的时候了。All right, I'll forgive you.好吧,我愿意原谅你。You must forgive my little deception.你一定要原谅我小小的诡计。Can you ever forgive me for being so selfish?你能原谅我这么自私吗?I can't forgive my husband for messing me about.我丈夫对我不体贴,我不能原谅他。It takes a big man to forgive him.只有宽厚的人才会原谅他。He made one last appeal to his father to forgive him.他最后一次恳求父亲宽恕他。I could forgive him for what he did if he showed some remorse.如果他表现出一些悔意,我可以原谅他所干的事。I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. = I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。Hugh found his wife's behaviour hard to forgive.休觉得妻子的行为很难宽恕。The delicatessen is sandwiched, if you'll pardon/excuse/forgive the pun, between two stores.如果你不介意我俏皮点说,这家熟食店就像三明治一样被夹在两个店之间。She was angry at Steve's rudeness, but I could forgive it.她对史蒂夫的无礼非常生气,但是我可以原谅这一点。My brother has a lot of faults, but we forgive him because he's family.我的弟弟有很多坏毛病,但因为是家人我们都很宽容他。Please forgive me for my rudeness the other day.请原谅我那天的无礼。My son means all the world to me. If anything happened to him I'd never forgive myself.我儿子对我来说就是一切。如果他发生什么事的话,我决不会原谅自己。Can you find it in your heart to forgive him?你肯原谅他吗? Do please forgive this tardy reply.迟复为歉,敬请原谅。The new program would forgive state loans to new graduates who teach in Nebraska.在一个新的项目中,前往内布拉斯加教书的大学毕业生可免还政府贷款。He fell to his knees and begged God to forgive him.他跪下来,请求上帝宽恕他。Those around her would forgive her for weeping.她身边的人会原谅她掉眼泪的。He was not the sort of man to forgive and forget.他不是那种不记仇的人。He can't forgive her for doing the dirty on him and having an affair with his best friend.他无法原谅她瞒着自己跟他最要好的朋友有染。I couldn't forgive their unkindness towards me.我不能原谅他们对我的刻薄。When he feels he's been insulted, he finds it hard to forgive and forget.当他感到自己受到侮辱时,他发现很难做到既往不咎。You must forgive her – she's not herself at present.你要原谅她 — 她目前情绪反常。The two communities must learn to forgive past wrongs.这两个团体必须学会谅解过去的错误。He finds it hard to forgive an insult.他发现侮辱是难以原谅的。We should forgive those who have wronged us.我们应该原谅那些伤害过我们的人。We must try to forgive those who trespass against us.我们必须努力原谅那些伤害我们的人。I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to the children while I was out.我外出时要是孩子们出了事,我是永远不会原谅自己的。They agreed to forgive and forget and be friendly again.他们答应不念旧恶,重新修好。Angela's father was not a man who found it easy to forgive and forget.安杰拉的父亲不是个容易忘记过去、摒弃前嫌的人。Still, for those flashes of genius, you can forgive him anything.尽管如此,他瞬间显露出的天赋还是会让你原谅他所做的一切。I'll forgive you the debt.你欠的债我不要你还了。We must ask God to forgive us for our sins.我们必须祈求上帝宽恕我们的罪过。




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