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词汇 foolishly
例句 He admitted that he had acted foolishly.他承认自己的行为很愚蠢。I had just $7 left, and foolishly squandered $5 in the bar that night.我只剩下七美元,那一晚在酒吧里就愚蠢地花掉了五美元。He saw me standing there, grinning foolishly at him.他看到我站在那儿,傻乎乎地咧着嘴冲他笑。I venture that you are behaving foolishly.我冒昧说一句,你的做法很愚蠢。He falls in love, hopelessly, one-sidedly, and foolishly.他无可救药地陷入了愚蠢的单恋。She foolishly agreed to go with them.她傻乎乎地同意跟他们去。Whatever possessed you to act so foolishly?究竟是什么使你干如此蠢事? He foolishly ignored his parents' advice.他无视父母的建议,很愚蠢。She behaved foolishly but with good intent.她干了蠢事,却是出于一片好意。I thought she was acting foolishly, but I bit my tongue and didn't say anything.我觉得她的行为很愚蠢,但我忍住了,什么也没说。You're too old to behave so foolishly. You should know better at your age. 你已经长大,不应表现得如此愚蠢。你这个年龄的人应该懂得。I foolishly entrusted the task of collecting the money to Ron.我愚蠢地把收钱的事交托给罗恩去做了。They have acted a little foolishly.他们做得有点愚蠢。A practical person does not spend his time and money foolishly.一个有头脑的人是不虚度光阴也不胡乱花钱的。They may act foolishly or negligently.他们可能会干傻事或者大意行事。She grinned foolishly at him.她咧著嘴对他傻笑。




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