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词汇 Think
例句 Think about what I've told you.想想我对你说过的话。Think of a number between one and one hundred.想一个介于一和一百之间的数字。Think over what I told you, and give me your answer when you're ready.好好考虑一下我和你说的话,想好以后再答复我。Think carefully before answering that memo.回复那封便笺前要好好考虑一下。Think of the clammy hands you get when you visit the dentist!.想想你去看牙医时那双黏糊糊的手!Think of prayer as a two-way conversation.把祈祷想成一种双向的交谈。Think about today, not yesterday!要考虑今天,而不是昨天!Think carefully before you reply.回答之前要仔细思考。Think how much you can earn if you open a restaurant in such a good location.想一想,要是你在这样的黄金地段开一家餐馆,你会赚多少钱啊。Think about it very carefully before deciding.作决定之前要仔细考虑。Think positively and show some determination.要往好的方面想,显示出决心来。Think of how far we have come in a little time.想想我们在短短的时间内取得如此大的进展。Think pure thoughts for a while.想点儿纯洁的事情。Think it over carefully before you make a decision.作决定之前要仔细考虑。It's a difficult question. Think carefully before you answer.这个问题很难,回答之前仔细考虑一下。Think of all the time they've wasted trying to prove me guilty, while the real killer goes free.你想想,他们花了那么多时间来证明我有罪,而真正的凶手却逍遥法外。Think about what you are going to do next.考虑一下你下一步要干的事情。Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy.在为意外事故、疾病与失业投保之前一定要考虑清楚。Think before you punch in your credit card number.在你输入信用卡号码之前好好想一下。Think carefully before you give your final answer.请仔细考虑后再作最后答复。Think what life would be like without cars.想一想如果没有汽车,生活将会变成什么样。Think about this carefully – you don't want to make the wrong decision.仔细考虑这件事,你不想作出错误决定吧。Think of some questions that will help focus the discussion.想出一些问题使讨论的主题更突出。Think of all the things that have happened to us since we moved here.想想搬到这儿以来发生在我们身上的所有事情。Think carefully before doing anything.做任何事之前要三思。Think about it very carefully before you decide.仔细考虑一下再作决定。Think of the inconveniences of living in a small room with a large family.不妨想想,子女众多的一家人挤在一间小房间里,生活会有多少不便之处。Think of the process as analogous to riding a bike.把这个过程想象成骑自行车。Think long and hard before you make any important decisions.在你作出重要决定之前要深思熟虑。Think I'll leave you with the kids while I go for a beer - only joking!想想我去喝啤酒而留下你和孩子们在一起——开个玩笑而已!Think of this as a new beginning.把这当作一个新起点。Think about the problem rationally.要理智地考虑这个问题。Think of a number between one and ten.想一个一到十之间的数字。Think for yourself, don't just follow the crowd.要独立思考,不要只是人云亦云。Think first before playing the ball.踢出球前先想一想。Think carefully before you give the answer.仔细想好了再回答。Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness, and redundancy.在投保意外险、疾病险和失业险之前,要仔细考虑。Think how rapidly medical knowledge has gone out of date in recent years.想一想近些年医学知识更新得有多快。Here's a clue: Think Liverpool.给你一个提示,想想利物浦。Think what a waste of taxpayers' money the whole exercise was.想想整个做法对纳税人的钱是多大的浪费。




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