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词汇 flourish
例句 He scrawled his name across the bill, underlining it with a showy flourish.他在账单上潦草地签上自己的名字,并在名字下面画了一条花体线。Most plants flourish in this rich soil.大多数植物在这种肥沃的土壤里长得很茂盛。She tended to finish dancing with a flourish.她往往以夸张的姿势结束舞蹈。She rode by with a flourish of her whip.她骑马挥鞭而过。André reached for her hand and kissed it with a flourish.安德烈伸手拉过她的手,自信地吻了一下。He waved his sword with a flourish.他动作娴熟地挥了一下手中的剑。He took his peaked cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他一下子把尖顶帽从胳膊下面掏出来戴在头上,然后把帽檐拉低盖住眼睛。Wildlife seems to flourish in the area.野生动植物在这个地区似乎很兴盛。Rumpole produced the evidence with a dramatic flourish.伦波尔用一个夸张的动作拿出了证据。The doctor showed us about his hospital with much flourish.大夫领我们参观了他的医院,颇有炫耀之意。Jesus is on a spiritual retreat, mortifying the flesh so that the spirit housed within it can flourish.耶稣在进行心灵静修,通过克制肉欲而让内在的精神得以绽放。Organized crime continued to flourish alongside the mainstream economy.随着主流经济的发展,集团犯罪越来越猖獗。These plants will flourish in a sunny sheltered position.这些植物在阳光充足、不经风雨的地方会生长茂盛。Keep the soil moist. That way, the seedling will flourish.保持土壤湿润,那样幼苗就能茁壮成长。She liked to finish the dance with a flourish.她喜欢在舞蹈结束时做一个惹人注目的动作。Her speech was full of flourish.她的演讲充满了华丽的词藻。If left, the sucker will flourish and the grafted rose will dwindle and perish for lack of sustenance.一旦疏于管理,根出条将会猛长,而嫁接的玫瑰就会因缺乏营养而枯死。Most plants will flourish in the rich deep soils here.大多数植物在这里的肥厚土壤中都会茁壮成长。He took off his hat with a flourish.他动作夸张地摘掉帽子。We are all born leaders; we just need the right circumstances in which to flourish.我们每个人天生都具备领导者的素质;我们只是需要适当的环境来培养这种素质。He stuck the stamp on with a flourish.他故作潇洒地贴上了邮票。The classroom should be a place where creativity can take root and flourish.课堂应该成为能培养并充分发挥创造力的地方。We need to nurture the great players and let them flourish.我们需要培养优秀运动员,让他们茁壮成长。They finished the season with a flourish, winning their last three matches.他们拿下最后三场比赛,辉煌地结束了这个赛季。The game only started to flourish in Europe during the middle ages.这种游戏在中世纪才开始在欧洲盛行。As your plants flourish, you'll need to repot them in bigger pots.随着植物越来越茂盛,你需要把它们移植到更大的花盆里。The illegal trade in animal products continues to flourish.动物产品的非法贸易依然猖獗。He took his cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.他派头十足地从腋下取出帽子戴在头上,并且把帽檐压得很低。The congregation continued to grow and flourish.教堂会众不断增加,更加兴盛。He showed us his new design with much flourish.他炫耀地向我们展示他的新设计。The question now is whether the railways will flourish or wither.现在的问题是,铁路会蓬勃发展还是会逐渐消亡。With a flourish the magician opened a box.魔术师的手虚晃一下,打开了箱子。She opened the door with a flourish.她动作麻利地打开了门。If left unchecked, weeds will flourish.如果不加以遏制,杂草就会疯长。Dinner was served with a flourish.正餐弄得很花哨。Bill signed on the bottom line with a flourish.比尔在最后一行用花体字签了名。As the civilization developed, art began to flourish.随着文明的发展,艺术开始兴盛。Racism and crime still flourish in the ghetto.城市贫民区的种族主义和犯罪仍然十分猖獗。With a flourish of her pen, she signed the bill into law.她大笔一挥签署了这个提案,使之成为法律。I would love to see an unprejudiced society where everyone could flourish.我希望看到一个人人都能茁壮成长的无歧视社会。




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