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词汇 flirting
例句 She's been flirting with the idea of going back to school.她从未认真考虑过回去上学。She was flirting and trying to get the waiter's attention.她跟那个男服务员在调情,想引起他的注意。She's been flirting with him all evening.她整晚都在和他打情骂俏。Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt, it had not entered her head to have an affair with him.虽然她喜欢和马特打情骂俏,但从未想过要和他相好。She was a real one for flirting with the boys.她是个情场高手。She started flirting with other guys to try to make him jealous.她开始和其他男人眉来眼去,想让他吃醋。The public may once have liked her, but her coyness and flirting now interfere with her interviews.公众也许曾经喜欢过她,但现在她的忸怩作态和卖弄风情让人们大失所望。Maggie seems to get a big kick out of flirting with other people's husbands.玛吉似乎从跟别人的丈夫打情骂俏得到乐趣。They were flirting with each other.他们在打情骂俏。If she joked with him, he would think she was flirting, and she didn't want him to get the wrong impression.如果她和他开玩笑,他会认为她是在和他调情,她不想让他对自己产生错误的印象。She was more concerned with flirting than with getting the job done.比起完成工作,她对打情骂俏更感兴趣。The bullfighters are flirting with death.斗牛士们在玩命。Dad's flirting with all the ladies, or they're all flirting with him, as usual.和平常一样,爸爸在和所有的女士调情,或者说所有的女士都在和他调情。The government's policy is a recipe for disaster. = The government is flirting with disaster by pursuing this policy.政府的政策是招致灾难的祸根。The company has been flirting with bankruptcy. 这家公司一直处于破产边缘。They were flirting with death/disaster.他们在玩儿命/引火烧身。After years of mainstream affiliation he is now flirting with rock.在多年从属于主流派之后,他如今玩儿似地搞起摇滚乐来了。They've been flirting with the idea of selling up.他们一直没有认真考虑将产业卖掉。When he made the investments, people said he was flirting with financial ruin.他投资时,人们都说他没有充分估计到经济可能遭受损失。Trying to make your partner jealous by flirting with other people can easily backfire on you.跟别人调情以引起你配偶的嫉妒,这么做很容易弄巧成拙。I've been flirting with the idea of leaving my job.我脑子里一直浮现着辞职的念头。That jerk was flirting with the boss' daughter.那个笨蛋和老板的女儿调情。He upstages her by flirting with other women.他与其他女人调情,使得没人注意她。They were flirting all night.他们整晚都在调情。Eileen's not above flirting with the boss when it suits her.艾琳在适当的时候也会和老板调调情。The boys stood on the corner flirting with the passing girls.那些青年站在角落里同路过的姑娘们调情。She accused him of flirting with other women.她指责他与别的女人调情。I'm not very good at flirting or chasing women.我不太会和女人调情,也不善于追求女人。He jealously accused his wife of flirting with other men.他带有醋意地指责妻子与其他男人调情。




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