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例句 The move would cause irreparable harm to the organization.一举动会给组织造成无法弥补的损害。The Party swept to power in elections the following year.这个党派在次年的竞选中一举获胜。The film tells the story of Lee's meteoric rise from North Dakota radio singer to jazz legend.这部影片讲的是李从北达科他州的电台歌手一举成为爵士乐传奇人物的故事。The horse came from nowhere to win the race.这匹名不见经传的马一举赢得了比赛。We'll lick the other teams.我们将一举击败其他球队。They may have lost their last championship game, but they're determined to win the next time around/round.他们也许输了上届的锦标赛,但他们立志在下届比赛中一举夺冠。The move was regarded as significant in Japan.一举动在日本被认为意义重大。This move constitutes an act of aggression.一举动构成了侵略行为。I take my hat off to Mr Clarke for taking this action.我很钦佩克拉克先生的这一举动。This year's Oscar ceremony will be on a Monday.今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼将在一个星期一举行。This move made headlines worldwide last year.一举动在去年成为全球性的头条新闻。The thoroughbred breeding industry around the world has denounced this move.全世界纯种育种业都对这一举动予以谴责。Michael Stich then proceeded to snaffle the $2 million first prize.接着,迈克尔·斯蒂克又一举拿下了两百万美元的头奖。Father enjoys pulling off a miracle.我父亲总喜欢一举惊人。The Conservatives attacked the move as a cynical attempt to denigrate the media.保守党人指责这一举动是对媒体的恣意诋毁。Critics want the government to take this one stage further and ban the film altogether.批评人士希望政府的这一举动能更进一步,全面禁止这部影片。She waited for her partner to hole out before she putted.她等着搭档在她挥杆之前一举推杆进洞。A big question mark hangs over the wisdom of the move.一举动是否明智尚难以确定。It was a stroke of genius to make the decision.作出这一决定是天才的一举He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole.他把这一举动描述为整个南非人民的胜利。The show, despite some rough edges, was an instant success.虽然有一些瑕疵,演出还是一举获得了成功。It was a remarkable act of bravery and selflessness.一举动勇敢、无私,了不起。In a move which surprised everyone, the bosses fired several managers.老板们解雇了好几位经理,这一举动令大家吃惊。Thousands of citizens are already voting with their feet, and leaving the country.成千上万的公民正准备离开这个国家,以这一举动表示反对。They are seeking a first-strike capability that would knock out the enemy's nuclear force in a surprise attack.他们谋求能在突然袭击中一举摧毁敌方核力量的第一次打击能力。He was confident that his men would prove more than a match for the rebels.他有信心,手下的人会一举击败反叛者。The book was an overnight success.这本书一举获得成功。He snatched a last gasp winner.他在最后关头一举夺冠。This move was seen as an attempt to hasten the process of German unification.一举动被视为加速德国统一进程的一种尝试。Edward VIII had done the unthinkable and abdicated the throne.爱德华八世主动逊位,这一举动匪夷所思。It was a really ballsy move on his part.他的这一举动真够大胆的。The action is the latest in a long-running battle between the US and Canada relating to Cuban relations.一举动是美加在古巴关系上一场旷日持久的较量中最新的发展。He will certainly regret this act.他一定会因为这一举动而感到懊悔。It seemed like a one-way ticket to riches, but then it all went wrong.这看起来是一举致富的良机,但到后来所有的一切都出了岔子。He skyrocketed to national prominence.一举而闻名全国。At one stride Dickens had become one of the most popular novelists.狄更斯一举成为最知名的小说家之一。The police officer tackled him as he tried to escape.他企图逃跑时,警察把他扑倒在地,一举擒获。The police struck pay dirt when a witness came forward with new information.目击证人提供了新的信息后,警方一举破获了案件。Mr Moore did not appear fully aware of the importance of this act.穆尔先生似乎没有充分意识到这一举动的重要性。The candidate rode to victory on his new policies.这名候选人凭借其新政策一举当选。




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