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词汇 constraint
例句 He comes to see me when he can and shares his thoughts with me without constraint.他有空的时候就会来看我,无拘无束地和我分享他的想法。Lack of funding has been a major constraint on the building's design.大楼设计面临的一个主要制约因素是资金短缺。The children showed constraint in the presence of the new teacher.孩子们在新老师面前显得拘束。He acted under constraint.他被迫采取行动。They confessed, but only under severe constraint.他们迫于巨大的压力才说出了真相。With his departure a cloud of constraint lifted from the room.他一走,屋里的紧张气氛就消失了。The constraint on most doctors is lack of time.制约大部分医生的因素是缺乏时间。They refuse to work under constraint any longer.他们拒绝继续在约束下工作。The constraint between the parents appeared to go unnoticed by their son.儿子似乎没有注意到父母之间的关系不自然。They demand freedom from constraint.他们要求摆脱控制,获得自由。She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers.她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。Water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on development.水资源匮乏将是制约该地区发展的一个主要因素。I felt free to speak to her without constraint.同她说话我感到很自由,不拘束。She tried to appear friendly, but her constraint was obvious.她尽力显得友好,可是显然很拘束。




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