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词汇 Construction
例句 Construction is hampering traffic on the highway.施工影响了公路交通。Construction workers building the tunnel have encountered a number of obstructions.修筑隧道的建筑工人遇到了许多障碍。Construction workers had to spend the night ramming iron girders into place to support the building.建筑工人不得不花了一晚上用力把支撑大楼的铁梁安装好。The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust.机车建筑有限公司是该托拉斯的全资子公司。Construction work fell behind schedule.建筑进度落后于工期。Construction of the new road has now been completed.新公路的建设现已完工。Construction of the dam is nearly complete.筑坝工程即将竣工。Construction remains a labour-intensive industry.建筑业仍是劳动密集型产业。Construction of the tunnel was brought to a crashing halt when the funds ran out.资金用完后,隧道建设也就骤然停顿下来。Construction on the road slowed up traffic.道路施工使交通迟缓。Construction managers must be on call to deal with emergencies.施工经理必须随叫随到处理紧急情况。Construction that began in late April stretched into June.工程从四月底延续至六月。Construction on the new school will begin soon.新校舍的建设即将开工。Construction remains a relatively labour-intensive industry.建筑业相对来说依然是劳动密集型的行业。Construction of the bridge turned out to be a bigger job than they had expected.原来,架设桥梁比他们预想的更复杂。Construction of the bridge is moving along.桥梁的施工在继续进行。




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