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词汇 constitutionally
例句 She was constitutionally incapable of bad temper.她天生不会发脾气。There was some doubt as to whether the government were behaving constitutionally.有人怀疑政府是否在依照宪法行事。Although unusual, the Governor's action was constitutionally quite correct.州长的所作所为尽管非同寻常,但从宪法的角度来看,还是相当正确的。She seems constitutionally unable to make decisions.她似乎天生优柔寡断。He was not constitutionally eligible to fill the office.按照宪法他不宜担任这公职。He is constitutionally incapable of lying.他天生就不会撒谎。He was constitutionally incapable of dealing with conflict.他天生处理不了冲突。The presumption of innocence is constitutionally protected.无罪推定是受宪法保护的。He's constitutionally jealous.他天生好嫉妒。Despite repeated heatings the material remained constitutionally the same.虽经多次加热,该物质在本质上仍保持不变。He seemed constitutionally unable to keep quiet.他似乎天生就不能保持安静。He is constitutionally incapable of sitting still for more than a minute. 他天生就是个一刻都坐不住的人。I am constitutionally disenabled from that vice.我生来不会干那种坏事。He's constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret.他天生就不能很好地保守秘密。Free speech is a constitutionally guaranteed right in the U.S.在美国,言论自由是受宪法保障的权利。The president is constitutionally prohibited from serving more than two terms in office.宪法禁止总统任期超过两届。




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