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I couldn't work out why the cars coming in the other direction were flashing me.我不明白为什么对面开来的车要向我闪灯。He's always flashing his money around.他老是四处炫耀他的钱。He was arrested for flashing.他因当众暴露性器官被捕。It was only the sun, flashing briefly on her hair.不过是阳光照在她头发上的一时闪光。The flashing light means we're running out of gas.指示灯闪烁表示我们的汽油快用完了。The man was arrested for flashing a woman on a train.那名男子因在火车上向一名妇女露阴而遭到逮捕。The car was stopped at the side of the road with its hazard lights flashing.汽车被迫停在路边,车上的危险信号灯在闪。His dark flashing eyes seemed to magnetize her.他那双炯炯有神的黑眼睛好像把她给迷住了。It was a horrible disco with lights flashing and music blaring.这个迪斯科舞厅很可怕,灯光变幻不定,音乐震耳欲聋。She took care to advertise her married status by flashing her ring in everyone's face.她把戒指在每个人面前晃来晃去,生怕大家不知道她已经结婚。She was flashing her engagement ring around.她正在四处炫耀她的订婚戒指。The toy has flashing lights and a siren noise, but batteries are not included.这个玩具包含有闪光灯和警报器,但不包括电池。She woke to find her dark room lit by flashing lights.她醒来时发现黑暗的屋子被闪烁的灯光照亮。A car was sitting on the side of the road with its lights flashing.一辆汽车停在路旁,车灯闪烁着。State railway officials said the crossing signal was flashing red when the bus started moving across the tracks.国家铁路官员称,公交车开始横穿铁路时,道口交叉信号灯正闪着红色。Why is that driver flashing his lights at me?那个司机为何用灯照我? She woke to find her room lit by flashing lights.她醒来时发现自己的房间被闪烁的灯光照亮。The blue light was flashing.蓝灯闪烁着。He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror.他从后视镜中看见公路巡逻车闪烁的车灯。The trees were flashing with red and gold in the autumn wind.树木在秋风中闪耀着金色与红色的光。The flashing light tells you when the battery needs recharging.灯在闪烁就表示电池需要充电了。There was a warning light flashing on the instrument panel.仪表盘上有一个警示灯在闪烁。She liked flashing her diamond necklace.她喜欢炫耀自己的钻石项链。Two police officers burst in, the latter hurriedly flashing his ID card at her as they made their way upstairs.两名警察闯进来,走向楼上时,后面的一个匆匆地向她亮了一下他的证件。His mind kept flashing back to the previous night.他脑中不断回想起头天晚上发生的事。Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights.一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。It was Michelle who first drew her attention to the light flashing on the helicopter's underbelly.是米歇尔首先注意到了直升机下腹部闪烁着的灯。Barely conscious of the flashing lights around him, Kevin recklessly weaved in and out of traffic.凯文几乎没有意识到周围一闪一闪的灯光,不顾一切地在车流中穿进穿出。It always makes me mad when people drive up behind me and start flashing their lights.要是有人从我后面开上来一闪一闪地亮起车灯,我总是很恼火。A police car sped through the intersection, lights flashing.一辆警车闪着警灯在十字路口疾驰而过。The police car's blue light was flashing.警车上蓝灯闪烁。 |