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词汇 flash
例句 At the most solemn moments he will flash a mocking smile or make an ironic remark.在最庄严的时刻他脸上会闪现嘲弄的微笑或说一句讽刺挖苦的话。He sits in front of a computer monitor as words and images flash on the screen.当文字和图像在屏幕上闪现时他正坐在计算机显示器前。Everyone hopes that the club's resurgence will not be a flash in the pan.大家都希望该俱乐部的复苏不是昙花一现。When taking photographs indoors, use a flash for illumination.在室内拍照时,使用闪光灯照明。Patricia's going to copy her novel onto a flash drive and send it to me.帕特里夏打算把她的小说复制到闪盘上寄给我。A sudden flash of lightning lit everything up for a second.突然一个闪电瞬间照亮了一切。You're asking for trouble if you flash your money around like that.如果你四处炫耀你的钱,就是在自找麻烦。He did write a wonderful book, but it was just a flash in the pan.他是写出了一部佳作,可是那只是昙花一现。She leaned over and I caught a flash of pink underwear.她屈身过来,我一眼瞥见了粉红色的内衣。The miseries I went through made me suddenly realise with a blinding flash what life was all about.我所经历的痛苦让我突然一下子清楚地领悟到了生活的真谛。The bomb exploded with a blinding flash.炸弹爆炸时发出令人目眩的闪光。Our nerves flash messages to the brain.我们的神经把信息迅速传递给大脑。The bird vanished in a flash of blue.那只鸟蓝影一闪,不见了。Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.光照亮度应达到不开闪光灯便可以清楚拍照的程度。Once or twice she had caught a flash of interest in William's eyes.有那么一两次,她发现威廉的眼睛里流露出一丝感兴趣的神色。The sudden flash of light in the night sky was caused by a meteoric fireball.夜空中突然出现的亮光是一颗流星火球引起的。Where's the flash for the camera?照相机的闪光灯在哪儿?Summer flash floods destroyed the crops.夏天突发的洪水毁坏了庄稼。He drives around in a big flash car.他开着一辆崭新的豪华轿车到处转。The answer had come to him in a flash.他一下子就有了答案。He'll be back in a flash.他很快就会回来。It's a fine gas ring; it boils a kettle in a flash.这是一个很好的煤气灶,一下子就烧开一壶水。We caught a flash of white in the bushes.我们看见丛林中闪过一道白光。The camera's flash isn't working because the electrical contacts need to be cleaned.这架照相机的闪光灯不灵了,因为电路接头需要清理。A shocking flash came over the radio.无线电广播中传来了一条惊人的消息。The little bird swooped down with a flash of blue.小鸟飞扑下来,闪过一抹亮眼的蓝色。He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography.他是最先使用高速闪光灯拍摄鸟类的人之一。I felt a flash of anger over the imposition on my privacy.我因私生活受到干预心头直冒怒火。The ceremony was over in a flash.仪式转眼就结束了。It's dark in here, I'll have to use the flash.这里很暗,我得用闪光灯。There was a flash and a mighty bang.一道闪光和一声巨响接踵而至。In a flash Atticus was up and standing over him.阿蒂克斯迅速起来站在他旁边。She felt a brief flash of anger.有一小会儿她感到自己很生气。Just wait here. I'll be back in a flash.就在这里等着,我马上回来。A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers.只见亮闪闪的蓝色羽毛一闪,一只松鸦从刺柏丛中钻了出来。She had heard the news-flash on a TV channel's news update.她在一家电视台的新闻快讯中听到了这则简明新闻。I took it with flash.我用了闪光灯拍摄。It was all over in a flash.眨眼间一切都结束了。That's a very flash suit he's wearing.他穿的那套西服看上去十分昂贵。The plan came in a flash of inspiration, fully formed.这个计划是灵机一动想出来的,构想完整。




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