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词汇 anger
例句 For all this his anger is not turned away.尽管这样,他还是怒气未消。Ben says his father was good-natured, a man not quickly roused to anger or harsh opinions.本说他父亲的脾气温和,不轻易发火或是发表尖锐的意见。The boss wreaked his anger on the workmen.老板拿工人出气。He constrained his anger with difficulty.他好不容易才压住心中的怒火。Dad was literally blazing with anger.爸爸简直是火冒三丈。In his anger he blurted out the secret.他在生气时冲口说出了秘密。She flushed with anger/embarrassment.她气得/难堪得脸都红了。Erica's cheeks flamed with anger.埃丽卡气得双颊通红。Despite her anger, she had behaved very reasonably.她虽然生气,但表现得很理智。When I told her what happened, she reacted with anger.我把所发生之事告诉她时,她非常生气。Seething with anger, Polly pushed back her chair and stood up from the table.波莉怒火中烧,一把推开椅子,从桌子旁边站了起来。He had walked out in a moment of anger.他一气之下走了出去。You need to throttle back your anger. 你需要压压火气。There is understandable anger among the victims’ families.被害者家属的愤怒是可以理解的。E-mail lists and websites fairly crackled with anger as people realized what was going on.当人们意识到发生了什么的时候,电子邮箱和网站都炸开了锅。He is not easily moved to anger. 他不轻易动怒。I was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger.这消息使我震惊,我最初的反应是愤怒。A sudden feeling of grief swept all my anger away.一阵突如其来的悲伤使我的怒气全消。His heart was full of anger and grief.他的内心充满愤怒和悲伤。His anger fed off his jealousy.他的愤怒来源于他的嫉妒。Don't let anger override common sense.别让愤怒凌驾于常理之上。He tries not to act out his anger/frustrations.他尽量不把他的愤怒/沮丧发泄出来。Frustrated ambitions can fuel the fire of anger and resentment.志向受挫会加剧一个人的怨怒之火。Do you fear that you'll burst into tears or explode with anger in front of her?.你担心会在她面前放声大哭或是勃然大怒吗?He feels a lot of anger/hostility/antagonism/animosity towards his father.他很生父亲的气/对父亲怀有很大的敌意/对父亲心怀极大怨恨/非常憎恨父亲。I could see that he was shaking with anger/rage. 我看得出他气得浑身发抖。He pounded his fist on the table in anger.他气得直用拳头捶打桌面。His anger gave place to mirth.他的愤怒消失了,取而代之的是欢笑。Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds.几秒钟的时间里,她经历了从愤怒到内疚的情感变化。Her eyes were ablaze with anger.她双眼闪着怒光。It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up.生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。Her frustration was construed as anger.她的懊丧被看作是愤怒。It was his anger that moved him to speak up.他的愤怒促使他大声直言。Her voice is under control, but she is almost shaking with anger.她的嗓音克制住了,但她气得几乎在发抖。Her anger melted away when she read the letter.读到信时,她的怒火慢慢消失了。His face was alight with anger.他满脸愠怒的神色。They don't want to anger their friend for his sake.他们不愿意为了他的缘故而使他们的朋友生气。Don't vent your anger on me.别把你的气撒到我身上。She knew she was using him unfairly as a peg on which to hang her anger.她知道自己是在拿他当出气筒,这样不公平。Her voice shook, and her face was white with anger.她声音颤抖,气得脸色发白。




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