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词汇 first time
例句 Considering this was your first time, I think you did really well.考虑到这是你第一次做,我认为你做得相当不错。She fulfilled her deepest wish when she flew solo for the first time.她初次独立飞行,实现了自己最深切的愿望。When I saw his work for the first time, I recognized a kindred spirit.我第一次看到他的作品的时候,我就发现我们趣味相投。He was speaking in public for the first time since the death of his wife.这是他自从妻子去世后首次在公共场合讲话。This is the first time that a woman has been appointed to the post.这是女性首次获此职位任命。It was the first time she had experienced real fear.这是她第一次真正感到恐惧。I started working hard for the first time in my life. To my surprise, I found I liked it.我生平第一次开始努力工作。令我惊讶的是,我发现我竟然很开心。For the first time since the death of her parents, she felt able to face the world.自从双亲去世后,这是她第一次感到能面对世事。They teamed for the first time on this project.他们在这个项目上首次合作。The Act allows children, for the first time, to initiate proceedings.该法案首次允许儿童实施起诉程序。I tried shooting a gun for the first time.我第一次尝试打枪。I went by boat the first time I went to Tahiti.我第一次去塔希提岛是坐小船去的。He fell madly in love with Ellen the first time he saw her.他第一次见到埃伦时就狂热地爱上了她。For the first time women are being allowed into this previously all-male school.女性首次被这所以前全是男生的学校录取。When Joshua walked across the room for the first time, the smile on his face said it all.乔舒亚第一次走过房间时,他脸上的笑容就说明了一切。This is not the first time she has faced adversity.这并不是她第一次遭遇逆境。It was the first time they had made love.那是他们第一次做爱。For the first time in my life I felt truly scared.我平生第一次真正地感到害怕。For the first time in my life, I feel really fulfilled.我一生中头一次感到真正的满足。It was the first time Bill and I had fallen out.这是比尔和我第一次闹翻。Sarah felt happy for the first time in her life.萨拉有生以来第一次感到幸福。Her jeans split the first time she wore them.她的牛仔裤第一次穿就开裂了。It's a car model that will be sold stateside for the first time next year.明年,这款车将首次在美国本土发售。It was the first time Jane and I had been apart for more than a few days.那是我第一次和简分开数日。A lot of people fail their driving test the first time.许多人首次驾驶执照考试都通不过。Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time.现在和初次见面的人交往时我会用假名。That's the first time I've ever heard him swear.那是我头一回听他骂人。For the first time ever, I was stuck for an answer.这是我有史以来第一次怎么也找不出问题的答案。It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion.在如此重要的场合,最好不要首次尝试新的食谱。With the high voter registration, many will be voting for the first time.登记选民数量的上升意味着许多人将第一次参加投票。For the first time that he could recall, Chris felt some admiration for his stepfather.在克里斯的记忆中,这是他第一次对继父产生了一点敬意。We met for the first time at a business conference, and we immediately struck up a friendship which has lasted for years.我们在一次商务会议上认识之后便马上建立了友谊,我们的友谊已持续了许多年。Flying is exciting the first time you do it, but you soon become jaded.第一次坐飞机你会很兴奋,但很快你就会厌倦的。The first time I went on a plane I was really nervous.我第一次坐飞机时非常紧张。Passing through the portals of the BBC for the first time, she felt slightly nervous.第一次走进英国广播公司的大门,她觉得稍有些紧张。To the best of my knowledge, this is the first time that anyone has translated these poems into English.据我所知,把这些诗译成英语这还是头一次。If you fail the first time, you have to take the test again.如果你第一次没过,就得再考一次。We went scuba diving for the first time this summer.今年夏天,我们第一次尝试了戴水肺潜水。When you're doing something for the first time, you're bound to hit a few bumps along the way.第一次做某件事时,你肯定会在过程中遇到一些挫折。He finished ahead of the Spaniard, and in the process picked up his first time trial win as a pro.他领先那个西班牙人到达终点,同时也首次作为职业选手获得计时赛的胜利。




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