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词汇 first half
例句 We are hoping to complete the deal in the first half of the year.我们希望在上半年完成这笔交易。We had the game in the bag by the end of first half.上半场结束时,我们已经稳操胜券了The first half of the game was a good even contest.上半场比赛双方势均力敌。She paced the other runners for the first half of the race.比赛的前半程她控制了场上的节奏。I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season.上半赛季我一直走背运。The team was rather ragged in the first half of the game.这支球队上半场踢得相当差劲。Celtic were visibly lifted by their opener late in the first half.上半场临结束前的首粒进球明显提振了凯尔特队的士气。Sales were very slow in the first half of the year, but business is beginning to pick up now.今年上半年的销售情况很疲软,但现在生意开始好了。He was double-teamed in the first half of the game.比赛上半场他被对方两名球员夹击。Everything will hinge on how we perform in the first half of the match.一切都将取决于我们在前半场比赛中表现如何。The team was up against a wall in the first half of the game.这支队在上半场比赛中就陷入了困境。At the end of the first half it's Spurs two, Arsenal nil.上半场结束时热刺队两分,阿森纳队零分。They kept things tight for the first half of the game.他们在上半场很好地控制了比赛。A couple of missed chances in the first half cost them dear.上半场几次错失良机使他们付出了高昂的代价。The midfield did very well in the first half.中场球员在上半场表现很出色。After a disappointing first half, United moved up a gear and took control of the game.上半场联队表现令人失望,但此后却表现出色,掌控了比赛的主动权。The crowd was thin for the first half of the race.上半场比赛时,观众稀稀拉拉的。They were denied an obvious penalty before the midway point of the first half.在上半场前半段,他们明显应得到一个点球,裁判却没有判。We should be able to put the opposing team down at the first half of the game.我们应该能在上半场就打败对手。The team was hot in the first half, but their shooting turned cold in the second half. 球队上半场表现出色,但下半场多次错失射门良机。The first half of the book was quite interesting but the last part was a bit of a slog.这本书前半部分十分有趣,但最后一部分则有点乏味。The other team had us dead to rights by the end of the first half.到上半场结束时,对方球队把我们打得一败涂地。British Airways has announced disappointing results for the first half of the year.英国航空公司公布了上半年令人失望的业绩。England had a man sent off in the first half, and after that the England team never really looked as though they could win the game.上半场英格兰队有一人被罚下场,那以后英格兰队看上去就再也不像能赢那场比赛了。The Alliance for Progress reached its apogee during the first half of the decade.这十年中的前五年是进步联盟迈向顶峰的时期。The team was trailing after the first half, but they made/staged a comeback and won in the second half.球队在上半场结束时落后,但他们在下半场实现逆转并赢得了比赛。The crowd, which had been thin for the first half of the race, had now grown considerably.比赛前半段观众还稀稀拉拉的,这时明显增多了。France played very well in the first half.法国队上半场打得非常好。They racked up 25 points in the first half.前半场他们累计得25分。League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie.联赛裁判基思·库珀在上半场因他与守门员抢球犯规而对他记名警告。They gave us a pounding in the first half of the game.上半场比赛对手给了我们狠狠的打击。He hung with the leaders for the first half of the race, but then he began to fall behind.他在比赛的前半段还能跟上领跑的选手们,但后来就开始落后了。The other team's superiority was apparent in the first half of the game.在上半场比赛中,对方球队的优势显而易见。The needs of personal computers were surging in the first half of the year.今年上半年,家用电脑的需求量不断猛增。Two early goals established the team's ascendancy in the first half.前边进的两个球确立了这个队在上半场的优势地位。The team was shut out in the first half.球队在上半场受到压制。The first half was very even, and neither side scored.上半场打得势均力敌,哪一方都没有得分。We were scrappy in the first half and deserved to lose.我们在上半场表现毫无章法,输了是应该的。The defense held him to only one shot attempt in the first half.防守队员对他严防死守,上半场仅让他投了一次球。Business was slow in the first half of this year.今年上半年生意清淡。




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