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词汇 fertile
例句 This shrub likes sun and water as well as a fertile well-drained soil.这种灌木喜欢阳光和水,还喜欢肥沃、排水良好的土壤。Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.很久很久以前,现在肥沃的土地曾是沙漠。The country is barren, with here and there a fertile spot.这地区土地贫瘠,只是间或有一小块肥沃的地方。People get less fertile as they get older.随着年龄增长,人的生育能力逐渐下降。This is surely fertile ground for experimentation.这肯定会是富有成果的实验领域。The region is fertile ground for nationalists.这个地区是滋生民族主义者的温床。The fields hereabout are fertile.这一带的土地很肥沃。They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land.他们使用武力把土著居民驱逐出了比较肥沃的土地。He is always fertile in new plans.他总是有好多新打算。The soil here is very fertile.这里的土壤非常肥沃。This leaves fertile soil unprotected and prone to erosion.这会让肥沃的土壤暴露在外,使其容易受到侵蚀。To the north lie the flat and fertile farmlands of the Solway plain.北边是索尔韦平原平坦而肥沃的农田。Within a few years they had transferred barren wastes into fertile fields.几年之内他们就把荒地变成了良田。This subject remains a fertile field for additional investigation.这个课题还是一片沃土,有待更多的调查研究。Rabbits are often considered to be the most fertile animals.野兔常被认为是繁殖能力最强的动物。The soil has been so heavily leached through intensive farming that it is no longer fertile.过度耕作使养分大量流失导致土地贫瘠。His fascinating characters are the products of a fertile imagination.他笔下那些具有魅力的人物,是丰富的创造力的产物。It's very fertile countryside where you can just live off the land.这片农田土地肥沃,靠种田就能生活。The ploughed earth looked rich and dark and fertile.耕过的土地看上去黑油油的,非常肥沃。Canada has been a fertile breeding ground of enterprise, genius, and innovation.加拿大是一片培养企业、人才和创新精神的沃土。While most men remain fertile into old age, women do not.大部分男性在年老时仍有生育能力,而妇女则没有了。Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills.霍顿向外望去,肥沃的谷地和平缓的丘陵尽收眼底。Most of the world's fertile land is already being cultivated.世界上大部分的沃土已在耕种之中。Colonialism is especially fertile ground for nationalist ideas.殖民主义尤其会刺激民族主义思想的发展。Whole tracts of country, once fertile, have become arid.曾经富饶的大片土地现已变得贫瘠。The raging flood waters eroded the fertile farmland.汹涌的洪水侵蚀了肥沃的农地。Most roses like a sunny position in a fairly fertile soil.多数玫瑰在土地肥沃、阳光充足的地方长得最好。These plants do best in fertile, moist soil.这些植物最适合在肥沃潮湿的土壤里生长。The fall of the old regime provided fertile ground for opportunism.旧政府的垮台为机会主义提供了温床。He is fertile of imagination.他想像力很丰富。The barren land has been turned into fertile fields.贫瘠的土地已改成良田。The Valley of Vinales is a lush and fertile valley and one of Cuba's finest beauty spots.比尼亚莱斯谷草木繁茂,土地富饶,是古巴最美的风景胜地之一。Seattle is fertile ground for small businesses.西雅图是适合小型企业发展的沃土。Most men remain fertile into old age.大多数男子直到老年还有生育能力。The operation cannot be reversed to make her fertile again.手术结果不可逆转,无法让她恢复生育能力。Parsley should have a deep, moist, fertile soil for ideal growth.西芹最好在湿润肥厚的土壤里种植。Slums are fertile soil for disease.贫民窟是疾病滋生蔓延之地。We have the most fertile soil in Europe.我们拥有欧洲最肥沃的土地。They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land.他们排去沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。Farmers worked the fertile valleys.农民们在肥沃的山谷里耕种。




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