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词汇 ferry
例句 They missed the ferry and remained onshore.他们没有赶上渡轮,还滞留在岸上。We took a ferry across the river.我们搭渡船过河。Earlier two holes were blasted into the ship's hull to let water out and stabilise the ferry.之前在船体上炸出了两个洞,以便把水排出,使船平稳下来。The bus/ferry runs every hour.公共汽车/轮渡每小时一班。They ferry supplies to the island.他们把日常用品渡运到岛上。The ferry hit us amidships.渡船拦腰撞到了我们船上。The ferry did not even have time to send out an SOS.渡船甚至连发出紧急呼救信号的时间都没有。The ferry won't be in for another hour.渡轮再过一个小时也到不了。When the ferry arrived we all piled on.当渡轮到岸后,我们都蜂拥而下。He stowed away on a ferry and landed in Liverpool.他逃票乘渡轮,在利物浦登了岸。The ferry hit us amidships.渡船拦腰撞上了我们的船。The ferry cut merrily through the water.渡船轻快地划过水面。Two gangs of youths brawled on the dance floor of the ferry.两伙青年在渡轮的舞池里打起来了。We had a hard time finding a ferry boat.我们好不容易找到一只渡船。Our ferry was two hours late because of the strike.渡轮因罢工而晚点两个小时。We went to France on the ferry.我们是乘渡轮去法国的。The ferry had run down a yacht in the fog.渡轮在雾中撞翻了一条快艇。Batangas and Puerto Galera are linked by a ferry service which runs twice daily.八打雁和加莱拉港之间有渡船来往,一天两班。It was good to get back on terra firma again after a very rough ferry ride to Calais.前往加莱的轮渡非常颠簸,回到了陆地上后感觉真是太好了。The ferry was crossing to Cacilhas.渡船正开往卡西利亚什。The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast.渡船在北威尔士海岸附近被一股反常的海浪击中。You can watch the ferry sailing in.你可以看渡船驶入港口。A ferry connects the mainland and the island.渡船把大陆和岛屿连接起来。A tyre blew out while the coach was on its way to the ferry.长途汽车在开往渡口的途中爆胎了。There are six ferry crossings a day.一天有六趟轮渡。For a complete change of scenery, take a ferry out to one of the islands.想彻底换个环境,就乘船到某个小岛去吧。A typhoon in 1954 sank a ferry, drowning 1,218 people.一九五四年的一次台风刮沉了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十八人。I've managed to get berths on the overnight ferry.我设法搞到了夜班轮渡的卧铺。The ferry takes about eight hours! You'd be better off going by plane.坐渡轮要八个小时!你还是坐飞机去好了。He took the night ferry/train.他搭乘了夜班渡轮/火车。The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.因为天气恶劣,渡船已经停开了。This train connects with the cross-Channel ferry at Dover.这列火车在多佛尔和跨海渡船相接。There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed.渡船以惊人的速度倾覆,根本来不及放救生艇下水。She was going to Nanaimo to catch the ferry to the mainland.她准备去纳奈莫乘渡船回大陆。They crossed the river by ferry.他们乘渡船过了河。The ferry was hit by a freak wave off the North Wales coast.渡船在北威尔士海岸遭遇了突如其来的大浪。The boats ferry visitors over to the far shore.船只将游客摆渡到对岸。Two small boats ferry people back and forth.两只小船往返为人摆渡。By the time you've paid so much for the ferry and so much for the train fare, it would be cheaper to go by plane.到头来你为船费和火车费付了那么多钱,还不如坐飞机便宜呢。The ferry turned and vibrated for Manhattan.渡船掉过头来,突突地向曼哈顿驶去。




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