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词汇 Stand
例句 Stand the plant in the open in a sunny, sheltered place.把这株植物放在一个阳光充足、上方有遮盖物的开阔处。Stand the wine bottle up for a few hours in a warm place before drinking.把酒瓶直立放在一个温暖的地方,过几个小时再喝。Stand with your feet wide apart.两腿叉开站立,双脚间距要大。Stand tall with your feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart.身体站直,两脚叉开,略宽于肩。Stand up. Face the wall.起立,面向墙壁。Be a man! Stand up for what you believe.做个男子汉!坚持你的信仰。Stand with your knees slightly bent.请双膝微曲站立。Stand beside the statue and I'll take your picture.站在雕塑旁边,我给你照张相。Stand still while I take your photo.我给你照相时站着别动。Kiefer's big break came with the film Stand By Me.影片《伴我同行》给基弗带来了大红大紫的机会。Stand with your arms at your sides and your hands pointing downward.站立时手臂放在身体两侧,双手下垂。Stand aside, please, so the doctor can get through.请靠边站,让医生过去。Stand Molly up on a chair so she can see.让莫莉站到椅子上,这样她就能够看见了。Don't let them take advantage of you. Stand up for yourself.别让他们利用你,维护自己吧。Stand up and walk around a little to see how the shoes feel.站起来四处走一走,看看鞋子的感觉如何。Stand up and bless the Lord, ye people of his choice.你们,他的选民,站起来称颂主。Stand still and let me brush your hair.站着别动,我来给你梳梳头。Stand clear of the closing doors!门正在关闭,站远点!Stand aside and let us pass.站开,让我们过去。Stand reasonably erect, your arms hanging naturally.挺身站直,双臂自然下垂。Stand clear of the doors.别站在门口挡路。Stand back and look objectively at the problem.退一步,客观地看待这个问题。Stand back to back and we'll see which of you is taller.背靠背站著,这样我们就能看出你们俩哪一个高了。Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better.站到那儿去,你就能看得更清楚了。Stand with your legs wide apart, then touch the floor.两腿叉开站立,然后弯腰触地。Stand the plant on a sunny windowsill.把这盆绿植放在一个阳光充足的窗台上。Stand by for our Christmas competition.准备好参加我们的圣诞比赛。Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.站直身体,伸左手够右脚。Stand well back from the bonfire.站得离篝火远点。Stand here and don't let anyone pass. 站在这儿,不要让任何人通过。Stand up straight, then bend one leg.身体站直,然后单腿弯曲。Stand still while I brush your hair.站着别动,我给你梳头。Stand with your heels together, toes pointing outward.脚跟并拢,脚趾向外站立。Don't be so feeble. Stand up to her for once.别那么胆怯,勇敢地面对她一次。Stand the paintings against the wall while we decide where to hang them.先把画靠墙放好,我们来看看挂在哪里好。Stand with your feet flat on the floor.双脚平踩地板站立。Stand up straight and don't hunch your back.站直了,别弯着腰。Stand up straight with your back against the wall.背靠墙站直。Stand straight with your weight distributed evenly, your stomach and bottom held in and your shoulders back.站直,保持重心居中,收腹提臀,肩膀打开。Stand up when the teacher enters the classroom.教师走进教室时你们要起立。




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