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词汇 fell in
例句 Her hair fell in loose curls onto her shoulders.她的卷发披散在肩上。The rain fell in solid sheets. 大雨倾盆而下。She fell in love with sailing the first time she tried it.她第一次尝试就爱上了帆船运动。They instantly fell in love.他们立即坠入爱河。Lee and I fell in a tangled heap.李和我扭作一团,摔倒在地。Many brave men fell in the fight to save the city.为保卫这座城市,许多勇士战死了。Her veil fell in a cascade of white lace over her face.她的白色蕾丝面纱如瀑布般垂在脸前。The river fell in a series of cascades down towards the lake.河形成阶梯状瀑布泻入湖中。They first met at university and later fell in love.他们在大学里初次相遇,后来相爱。Mum and Dad fell in love on the cruise and were married by the ship's captain.爸爸妈妈在海上旅游时共堕爱河,由船长为他们主婚。Most European currencies fell in value yesterday.昨天大多数欧洲货币都下跌了。I think I fell in love with Ralph the first time I met him.我想我是第一次见到拉尔夫就爱上他的。Two wickets fell in the first half-hour.上半场有两名击球手出局。She fell in the water and was drowned.她掉进水里淹死了。It is said that the moment she saw the viscount she fell in love with him.听说她对子爵一见倾心。At the place we stopped for lunch,we fell in with two or three university students.在我们停下来吃饭的地方,我们偶然遇到了二三个大学生。He fell into disfavour as the president fell in the polls.总统大选失败后,他被打入了冷宫。Onlookers left the pavement and fell in alongside the marching demonstrators.旁观的人离开人行道,加入游行示威的队伍。A moment later, the ceiling fell in.过了一会儿,天花板就塌下来了。The ceiling he had just plastered fell in and knocked him off his ladder.他刚抹上灰泥的天花板塌了,把他从梯子上砸了下来。She fell in the water.她掉进了水里。At his lordship's death in the Spanish campaign in the year 1811,his estate fell in to the family of the Tiptoffs.这位爵爷在1811年西班牙战役中死亡后,他的产业归蒂普托夫家族支配。He fell in the first heat.他在预赛第一场就败下阵来。He almost drowned when he fell in the river.他掉入河里差一点淹死。The invading troops plundered the town of all that fell in their way.入侵军队见东西就抢,把全城洗劫一空。During the hurricane the roof fell in.刮飓风的时候,屋顶塌陷了下来。The fabric fell in soft folds.这织物起了柔和的褶。He has really blossomed out since he fell in love with her.自从他爱上她以来,他已变得活泼开朗起来了。She fell in the river and drowned.她掉到河里淹死了。Their daughter fell in with a bad crowd.他们的女儿开始跟一群不三不四的人混在一起。Once the chairman had stated his decision,the rest of the committee fell in.主席一说出他的决定,其他委员就表示了同意。I fell in upon her yesterday.我昨天意外地遇到了她。The chairman fell in my opinion after he refused to take a vote.主席拒绝进行投票表决后,他的地位在我的心目中就降低了。Occasionally scree fell in a shower of dust and noise.偶尔会有岩屑带着烟尘哗啦啦地落下。Most of the bombs fell in the south.多数炸弹投到了南方。The dollar fell in late trading in New York yesterday and slid further this morning.昨天在纽约的逾时交易中美元下跌,并于今天早晨继续下滑。It seemed like a good idea so we just fell in with it.这似乎是个不错的主意,所以我们都同意了。Acold wind blew and the rain fell in torrents.一阵冷风吹来,随即大雨滂沱。He fell in love with Jane and eventually moved in with her.他爱上了简,终于搬来和她同居。 The small town's fortunes rose and fell in cadence with the mine's.这个小镇的命运随着这座矿的兴衰而起落。




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