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词汇 felled
例句 They felled great thickets of rhododendrons to make way for more novel exotics.他们砍倒了大片杜鹃花丛给新奇的外来植物腾地方。The felled trees are burned and so emit carbon dioxide.砍伐的树木被烧掉,放出二氧化碳。Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.为了开辟草场,热带雨林给砍伐掉了。He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe.他一斧头就将树砍倒。Many large oaks were felled during the war.很多高大的橡树在战争中遭到了砍伐。He eventually felled his opponent with a punch to the head.他最后以头部的一记重拳击倒了对手。The goalkeeper was felled by a coin thrown from the crowd.守门员被观众抛来的一枚硬币击倒。Badly infected trees should be felled and burned.受到严重感染的树木应砍倒并烧毁。He felled, peeled and hewed his own timber.他的木材都是自己砍伐、剥皮并劈好的。A great number of trees were felled to provide space for grazing.大量树木被砍伐,为放牧提供场地。The trees on the mountains within my range of vision had all been felled.山上我视野范围内的树木已经都被砍倒了。More trees are being felled annually now than ever before.现在每年砍伐的树比过去多。More than 100 trees were felled in just over an hour.短短一个多小时就砍下了一百多棵树。He felled his opponent with a single blow.他一拳便把对手击倒在地。Once the forest cover is felled, rains wash away the soil.森林一旦遭到砍伐,雨水就会把泥土冲走。The tree was felled and limbed.树被砍倒并截去枝条。He felled his enemy with a single blow.他一拳把敌人击倒在地。




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