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词汇 back door
例句 Blanche heard a crash as the back door was flung open.布兰奇听见哗啦一声后门被推开。They left by the back door.他们经后门离开了。The climbing rose outside the back door was in full blow.后门外的攀缘蔷薇花盛开了。We'll slip out the back door.我们将从后门偷偷地溜出去。The star's manager hustled him out the back door of the theater to avoid the throngs of fans.那位明星的经纪人从剧院的后门把他推出去,以躲避蜂拥而至的粉丝。I heard the back door bang, and Rex's tread in the hall.我听到后门重重关上的声音,然后是雷克斯在门厅里走动的脚步声。You go first while we cover the back door.你先走,我们来守住后门。There was a small office leading off a passage between the kitchen and the back door.厨房和后门之间的通道尽头有一间小小的办公室。Let's try knocking at the back door.咱们敲后边的门试试。The players were escorted out through a back door.乐手被护送着从后门离开。He walked in and I hotfooted it out the back door.他走了进来,而我很快从后门溜了出去。The path going up to the back door is very muddy.通向后门的小路很泥泞。They came in by the back door.他们从后门进来。Oh, and don't forget to lock the back door.哦,别忘了锁后门。She is oiling through the back door.她正从后门溜走。We found a small dog sitting outside the back door, looking pathetic.我们看到一条小狗蹲在后门外面,一副楚楚可怜的样子。He was not the first to have reached high office by the back door.他不是第一个通过走后门坐上高位的。The thief bolted through the back door.小偷经后门逃跑了。There was movement behind the window in the back door.后门的窗户后面有动静。I slipped quietly out of the back door.我悄悄地溜出了后门。Ron unlocked the back door and crept out into the yard.罗恩打开后门的锁,蹑手蹑脚地出去,来到院子里。Someone left the back door wide open.有人把后门大开着。They claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.他们声称政府正通过不正当的手段将牙医业私有化。The sizzle and smell of hamburgers and sausages greeted us as we walked out the back door.我们走出后门的时候,汉堡包和香肠的嘶嘶声和香味朝我们扑面而来。He ducked the reporters by sneaking out the back door.他回避记者,从后门溜出去了。She returned to her east London home to find her back door forced open.她回到在伦敦东区的住所时发现后门被撬开了。The man had entered through the back door.那个人已从后门进去了。The owner of the house had barred the back door.屋主把后门闩起来了。She kept the key handily by the back door.她把钥匙挂在后门方便拿取。He left the house by the back door.他从房子的后门离开了。Two policemen covered the back door and two covered the front.两个警察监视后门,两个监视前门。Someone is pounding at the back door with a heavy stick.有人在用粗棍子猛敲后门。We walked rapidly through the back door.我们快速走过后门。They did it by the back door.他们靠走后门干的。Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.牙医声称政府正通过暗箱操作将牙医业私有化。They claim the Government is privatizing dentistry through the back door.他们声称政府正在通过不正当手段将牙医业私有化。After his speech, Jackson was spirited away through a back door.杰克逊一演讲完就被偷偷地从后门接走了。They managed to sneak the legislation in through the back door.他们设法偷偷地设立了这项法规。The guard located himself by the back door.那个警卫在后门站岗。He opened the back door and gestured for her to get into the car.他打开后门,示意她上车。




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