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词汇 hypothesis
例句 These results indirectly support the hypothesis.结果间接证明了这一假设。Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.她的假说涉及到电磁辐射的作用。Any evidence that exists to support the hypothesis is fairly weak.现有的支持这种假设的证据都相当缺乏说服力。In the absence of such evidence, there is no a priori hypothesis to work with.没有此类证据,就没有可以推理的前提。He presented evidence in support of his hypothesis. 他提供证据证明自己的假设。A hypothesis is tested by finding experimental evidence for it.假设是通过找到实验证据来验证的。His new hypothesis is considered probable.他作出的新假设被认为是有充分根据的。This is an interesting hypothesis, but all attempts to validate it have so far failed.这是一个有趣的假设,但到目前为止,所有要证明它的努力均告失败。We designed a series of experiments to test our hypothesis.我们设计了一系列的实验来验证我们的假设。The new discoveries have falsified that hypothesis.新的发现已证明那个假设是无根据的。She used this data to test her hypothesis.她用这些数据验证她的假设。The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.这位研究员在做实验以检验这一假设。These observations appear to support our working hypothesis.这些观察结果看来与我们暂时的假设一致。A two-step process was used to test this hypothesis.用了一个分为两步的过程来验证这一假设。I have no patience with the hypothesis that babies are born pretty much alike.我最受不了那种认为初生婴儿长得大都一个样的胡乱猜测。Her study is based on the hypothesis that language simplification is possible.她的研究基于语言可以简化这样一个假设。The results of the experiment did not support/confirm his hypothesis.实验结果无法支持/证实他的假设。Dr Lee set up a series of experiments to test out this hypothesis.李博士设计了一系列实验来验证这个假设。His theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.他的理论基于人人生来平等的前提。The results of the study give further support to the hypothesis.这项研究的结果进一步证实了这个假设。The authors reject the hypothesis about unemployment contributing to crime.这些作者否定了关于失业导致犯罪的假设。Other chemists rejected his hypothesis.其他化学家都反对他的假说。Their hypothesis is that watching excessive amounts of television reduces a person's ability to concentrate.他们的假设是,看电视过多会降低人的注意力。The results of our experiment confirmed this hypothesis.我们的实验结果证实了这一假设。One hypothesis is that the victim fell asleep while driving.一种假设是受害人开车时睡着了。It is possible to make a hypothesis on the basis of this graph.以这张图表为基础作出假设是可能的。He threw his original hypothesis into the melting pot and began anew.他扬弃了原有的假设,另起炉灶。Our findings support the hypothesis that these patients are at increased risk of heart disease.我们的研究结果证明了这一假设,即这些病人患心脏病的危险增加了。Before a theory can be established, it starts off as hypothesis.理论得到确立之前先是假设。Clearly, the hypothesis does need some refinement, in the light of these surprising results.很显然,从这些令人惊讶的结果来看,该假设确实需要进一步完善。Scientists have proposed a bold hypothesis.科学家们提出了一个大胆的假设。The results confirmed his hypothesis on the use of modal verbs.结果证实了他的关于情态动词用法的假设。The statistics to prove or disprove his hypothesis will take years to collect.收集数据来证明他的假设是否成立要花上数年的时间。Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats.现在将开始在老鼠身上做实验以验证该假设。These statistics disprove his hypothesis.这些数据证明他的假说不成立。




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