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词汇 hysteria
例句 Those wishing to find an oasis from World Cup hysteria should head to Fox's pub, which has no TV.那些想从世界杯的狂热中寻到一方宁静之地的人应该去福克斯酒吧,那儿没有电视。Her thin shoulders were shaking convulsively in hysteria.她瘦削的双肩在歇斯底里发作时痉挛地颤动著。There are other less creditable reasons for whipping up war hysteria.还有其他一些不那么光彩的理由来煽动战争狂热。News of the victory produced mass hysteria.胜利的消息令大众情绪激动万分。Some parts of the media are creating hysteria and exaggerating an important issue.部分媒体制造混乱,大肆夸张某个重要的问题。The hysteria of the screaming girls was somewhat frightening.女孩子高声尖叫,那种歇斯底里的样子有点吓人。There are many documented instances of mass hysteria.许多群发性癔症的实例有案可查。His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.他的声音近乎歇斯底里。The spreading of the disease caused/produced mass hysteria in the village.疾病的蔓延在村里导致/引起群众的不安情绪爆发。He accused the media of whipping up hysteria over the issue.他谴责媒体在这个问题上煽动大众的狂热情绪。There was a note of hysteria in her voice.她的声音有些歇斯底里。A few of the children began to scream, and soon they were all caught up in the hysteria.其中几个孩子开始尖叫,很快他们都变得歇斯底里。In all the media hysteria, there was one journalist whose comments were clear-sighted and dispassionate.当各种媒体都变得十分狂热时,有一位记者的评论却非常清醒和冷静。The girl was on the verge of hysteria.那个姑娘快要抓狂了。There was a note of hysteria in his voice.他声音里透出一丝歇斯底里。One woman, close to hysteria, grabbed my arm.一个近乎歇斯底里的女人抓住了我的胳膊。All the lights went off, and mass hysteria broke out.所有的灯都熄灭了,大家都变得歇斯底里起来。He accused the government of whipping up public hysteria.他指责政府煽动起公众的狂热情绪。A group of girls set off a chain reaction of hysteria and prejudice when they accuse certain people of witchcraft.一群女孩子指责某些人摆弄巫术,从而引发了一连串过激反应和偏见。He could whip a crowd into hysteria.他能让一群人变得歇斯底里。By now, she was screaming, completely overcome with hysteria.此时她已开始大喊大叫,完全陷入歇斯底里的状态。There is still so much hysteria surrounding the issue.对这件事情仍有很多狂热情绪。Sam arrived in a state of excitement bordering on hysteria.萨姆来的时候处于一种近乎于歇斯底里的兴奋状态。It was mass hysteria and many people were hurt in the crush.那时候人们都发疯了,许多人在拥挤中受伤。Wartime hysteria led to many unfair accusations of treachery.战时的失控情绪导致了许多不公正的叛变指控。She was babbling, on the verge of hysteria.她近乎歇斯底里地胡言乱语。Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.媒体的狂热和虚假报道引起了人们不必要的焦虑。Their grief turned to hysteria when the funeral procession arrived at the cemetery…当送葬队走到墓地时,他们更加悲恸欲绝。In a fit of hysteria, Silvia blamed me for causing her father's death.西尔维娅一阵歇斯底里,指责我害死了她父亲。It was a relief to hear one sane voice among all the shouting and hysteria.在这歇斯底里的叫嚣声中能听到一个清醒的声音,这是令人欣慰的。The incident is a vivid illustration of the hysteria currently gripping the nation.这一事件清楚地展现了正弥漫整个国家的歇斯底里情绪。She felt a bubble of hysteria rising in her throat.她感到一阵歇斯底里的冲动,想大喊出来。The political hysteria soon wearied him and he dropped the newspaper to the floor.政界的歇斯底里让他厌烦,他把报纸扔到了地板上。There's a very thin dividing line between joviality and hysteria.欢天喜地和歇斯底里之间就一线之隔。Such reports are routinely dismissed as hysteria.这种报道通常被认为是大肆渲染,无须多虑。He has a wild laugh that sometimes approaches hysteria.他的狂笑有时近似于歇斯底里。Tabloid hysteria about the murders has increased public fears.小报对于这些凶杀案歇斯底里般的报道增加了公众的恐惧。A wave of violent hysteria was let loose in the capital city.在首都掀起了一股狂热的浪潮。She sometimes flew into fits of hysteria.她有时歇斯底里。The woman, close to hysteria, began to scream.那女人快要歇斯底里大发作了,没命地尖声大叫。




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