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词汇 favour
例句 The present bias of trade is in our favour.当前贸易的趋势对我们有利。His vote tipped the balance in our favour.他的一票起了决定性作用,使形势有利于我们。I'm sorry to call so late, but I need a favour.这么晚打电话真是抱歉,可是我需要帮个忙。Despite the athlete's lack of confidence, the odds are clearly in her favour.尽管这名运动员缺乏信心,但很明显她有可能获胜。He pronounced himself in favour of the plan.他表示赞成这计划。A federal judge ruled in their favour.一位联邦法官作出了对他们有利的裁决。Many would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man.很多人更希望看到他下台,以让位给更年轻的人。Much of the information the clinics gave people was incomplete and biased in favour of educated middle-class clients.诊所提供的大多数信息都是不完整的,而且偏向优待受过教育的中产阶级客户。They are in favour of the program, but they want strong assurances that it is viable.他们赞成此计划,但需要这个计划是切实可行的明确保证。I came here to ask you a big favour.我来这儿想请你帮个大忙。All the comments were in your favour.所有的评论都对你们有利。The trade secretary has been asked to stand aside in favour of her deputy.商会秘书被要求把位置让给她的副手。Both countries seem to favour the agreement.两个国家似乎都更倾向于这份协议。Such recommendations will weigh in his favour.这种推荐对他将大有好处。Suzannah and I are both in favour at work at the moment.苏珊娜和我目前在工作中都很有人缘。Opinion polls indicated a two-thirds majority in favour / favor of ratification of the treaty.民意调查表明三分之二的多数支持批准该条约。Communist theory and practice has been rejected in favour of American-style capitalism.福利主义已被抛弃,实行了美国式的资本主义。One factor thought to have worked in his favour is his working class image.据认为,一个帮上了他的因素就是他的工人阶级形象。It isn't right to favour one child over the other.对孩子有偏爱是不对的。The City Council has voted almost unanimously in favour.市议会几乎是全票支持。They obtained a judgement in their favour / favor.他们获得了有利的判决。Officially, I'm in favour of it, unofficially, I have my doubts.站在官方立场上,我赞成这件事,但私下里我是有疑问的。Today's slightly shorter race could well help to tip the scales in his favour.今天距离稍短的赛跑可能会对他占据优势大有助益。Her political views have not found favour in recent years.近年来,她的政治观点没有获得支持。Conditions on court are very much in Williams' favour.法庭上的情形对威廉斯非常有利。More people favour a single European currency than oppose it.赞成单一欧洲货币的人占多数。He accused the environmentalists of trying to manipulate public opinion in their favour.他指责环境保护主义者试图操纵舆论,倒向有利于他们的一边。The groundswell of opinion is in favour of a referendum.支持全民公决的舆论呼声越来越高。She claims to be in favour of training, but so far she's only paid lip service to the idea.她声称对培训持赞成态度,但到目前为止她的赞成还仅仅停留在口头上。Conditions favour us, and the team is better prepared this time.条件对我们有利,而且这次球队有了更充分的准备。A mother shouldn't show too much favour to one of her children.做母亲的不应对某一个孩子过于偏爱。The meeting voted overwhelmingly in favour of the proposal.会议以压倒多数投票赞成这项提案。No one would look with favour on the continuing military rule.没有人会赞成继续军政府统治。He did the favour but considered the request an imposition.他帮了忙,但认为向他提出的要求是在利用他。The committee came down in favour of setting up a national body.委员会决定支持建立一个国家机构。The committee voted in favour / favor of the plan.委员会投票支持该计划。This did not meet with public favour.这没有获得公众的支持。The press is loaded in favour of this present government.新闻界偏袒本届政府。Artists sought the favour of wealthy patrons.艺术家谋求富有的赞助人的支持。He refused a job in government in favour of a university appointment.他拒绝了政府部门的工作而选择了大学的职位。




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