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词汇 initial
例句 The initial negotiations are seen as laying the basis for more detailed talks.初期磋商被视作为进一步会谈做准备。The initial investment requirement is often waived for existing customers.对现有客户的初期投资往往不作要求。After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest.一时的热情过去之后,我对慢跑逐渐失去了兴趣。His initial surge of euphoria was quickly followed by dismay.他最初的一阵兴奋很快变为沮丧。The initial data included a lot of noise that had to be weeded out.初始数据包含有很多必须剔除的无用干扰信息。The initial euphoria following their victory in the election has now subsided.他们选举获胜之初的狂喜现在已经平静下来了。The initial reaction has been excellent.初期的反应非常好。Her initial stiffness began to wear off as we got to know her.随着我们渐渐了解她,她起初的拘谨也慢慢消失了。The initial image projected was of a caring, effective president.他最初表现出的是一个充满爱心、办事有效的总统形象。After the initial shock she regained/recovered her composure.她刚开始吓了一跳,但之后恢复了镇定。The fact that the new estimates are so wildly different from the initial numbers has created a credibility gap.新的估算和最初的数字相差甚远,这样的事实造成了信用差距。My first/initial/natural inclination was to say no, but I finally decided to do what she asked.我本想拒绝,但最终还是决定按她的吩咐去做。The memory of their initial meeting softened her face.回忆起他们初次见面的情形,她的表情变得柔和了。She produced an initial draft of her plans.她草拟了计划的最初稿。The symptoms are mild in the initial stages of the disease.这种病的早期症状是轻微的。The initial response has been encouraging.最初的反应让人欣喜宽慰。My initial response was one of anger.我最初的反应是愤怒。If you make any changes to the document, please initial them.如果你修改了文件,请签上你姓名的首字母。Her initial enthusiasm was clearly beginning to wane.她最初的热情明显开始冷淡下来。The court's initial verdict in the police officers' trial set off serious riots.法庭审理这起警官案件作出的初审判决引起了严重的暴乱。My initial scepticism was replaced with respectful admiration.我最初的怀疑后来变成了钦佩和崇敬。After the initial shock, people adjusted to the new circumstances.最初的震惊过后,人们就逐渐适应了新的环境。The initial rent will be reviewed annually.首期租金每年都要审核。Her initial reaction was to say no, but she eventually agreed to help.她的第一反应是拒绝,但最终还是同意帮忙了。The initial plan to sell off part of the company met with intense criticism.最初出售公司一部分的计划遭到了强烈的批评。The initial mobilisation was well organised.初步动员安排到位。House buyers usually have a large initial outlay on carpets and furniture.购房者通常先要为买地毯和家具花去一大笔开销。The judge in the present case had been wrong to hold that the initial arrest was not lawful and the court allowed the appeal on that question.审理此案的法官错误地认为最初的逮捕是不合法的,法庭批准对该问题提出上诉。That was the initial response to my question.那是对我的问题的最初答复。The initial reports had an eerie echo of the attacks two weeks earlier.最初的报道令人想起两周前令人不安的袭击。My initial reaction was one of great relief.我的最初反应是大大地松了一口气。Yes, we do remember your initial objections, but unfortunately you didn't place them on record.是的,我们确实记得你起初反对过,但遗憾的是你没有把这些记录下来。Having made the initial payment, the investor need make no further effort.支付第一笔款项后,投资者便不必再多费心思。I was stunned by the news, and my initial reaction was anger.这消息使我震惊,我最初的反应是愤怒。The initial cost of the computer system is more than made up for in terms of eventual profit.这个电脑系统最终的利润将远远大于最初在成本方面的投入。The initial euphoria over democracy seemed greatly dulled.开始时对民主的那种高涨情绪似乎大大减退。It was clear that Brinkman had entertained the same initial misgivings as we had.显然,布林克曼和我们一样最初也心存疑虑。The acquisition helped BCCI make its initial entrance into the US market.那项并购帮助国际商业信贷银行首次跻身美国市场。After she got over the initial surprise of being tricked, she started getting angry.最初她对被骗感到惊讶,过后开始生气。The prime minister's initial ministerial appointments haven't pleased all his supporters.首相最初对部长的任命没能让所有支持他的人满意。




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