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词汇 inhumanity
例句 They were accused of inhumanity in their treatment of the hostages.他们被指控虐待人质。It's a powerful indictment of the horrors of war and man's inhumanity to man.这是对战争的恐怖以及人与人之间非人行径的强有力控诉。Man's inhumanity to man never fails to shock me.人与人之间的残酷无情每每使我不寒而栗。She cannot understand man's inhumanity to man. 她不能理解人与人之间的残酷无情。The novel focuses on the inhumanity of prisons and labour camps.这部小说重点表现了监狱和劳改营里的人所遭受的非人待遇。The monument stands as a chilling reminder of man's inhumanity to man.纪念碑耸立着,寒气逼人,提醒着人们人类对自己同类的惨无人道。Reformists were appalled by the immorality and inhumanity of the slave trade.不道德而且无人性的奴隶贸易使改革主义者大为惊骇。Brutality and inhumanity go hand in glove with war.残忍和暴虐与战争密切相关。




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