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He favors extending the school day and school year.他赞成增加每天的课时并延长学年。The farm bloc in Congress is a group from different political parties that favors laws to help farmers.国会中的农场集团是主张对农场主实行优惠法律的一个跨政党团体。It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors.公务员通过索要礼物或钱财作为为他人提供便利的交换是违法的。Many feel that the mayor has disgraced the town government by accepting personal favors from local businesspeople.很多人认为,市长接受当地商人个人馈赠的行为使市政府名誉扫地。The committee favors designation of the house as an historic building.委员会赞成将这栋房子划为历史性建筑。He favors his mother.他长得像妈妈。Small boxes of candy were given out as favors at the wedding.小盒糖果被作为小礼物在婚礼上分发。I've learned to be grateful for small favors.我懂得了对滴水之恩要心怀感激。The company made campaign donations in exchange/return for political favors. 公司向竞选活动捐款,以换取政治上的恩惠。He favors policies that promote industry.他支持那些促进工业的政策。You can order a birthday box full of balloons, banners and party favors.你可以订购一个装满气球、旗帜和聚会礼物的生日礼品盒。All the children received party favors.所有孩子都收到了派对小礼物。He was accorded certain favors because of his age.因年龄关系他受到了一些特殊照顾。Don't do me any favors. I don't need your help.不用给我面子了。我不需要你的帮忙。He handed out the party favors as we were leaving.他在我们要离开时分发了聚会小礼物。He favors local side roads over major arteries.他喜欢走当地的辅路,不喜欢走主干道。The teacher clearly favors you.老师明显对你偏心。Interestingly, it is not clear which solution the prime minister favors.耐人寻味的是,现在还不清楚首相支持哪个解决方案。The judge favors non-custodial sentences/punishments for most first offenses.对于大多数初犯,法官倾向于实施监外判决/处罚。He was arrested for soliciting sexual favors from a prostitute.他因召妓而被捕。I'm not going to kiss up to anyone for favors.我不会为了得到好处而去讨好任何人。He favors harsh punishment for chronic malefactors. 他主张严惩惯犯。He favors a more even distribution of wealth.他主张更平均地分配财富。I don't want to presume on/upon our friendship by asking for too many favors.我不想滥用咱们的朋友关系向你要太多好处。 |