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词汇 far away
例句 From the top of the hill we could see the ocean far away and, in the middle distance, a small town.从山顶上我们可以看到远处的海和不远处的村庄。Now we raised a ship far away on the horizon.现在我们看到远处的地平线上有一艘轮船。The lava could be seen spouting out of the volcano from far away.从远处可看到熔岩从火山喷发出来。His voice sounded faint and far away.他的声音听上去模糊而遥远。The two women were sitting as far away from each other as possible.那两个女人坐在离对方尽可能远的地方。A flock of birds flew towards us slowly from far away.一群鸟儿从远处朝我们缓缓飞来。They came from as far away as Florida.他们来自遥远的佛罗里达州。Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.尽管可以朦胧地看到海岸线,但要判断距离有多远是不可能的。His voice sounded feeble and far away.他的声音听上去很无力,很遥远。There was silence except for the faint murmur of water far away.除了远处汩汩的流水声,周围一片寂静。Why didn't we visit? Well, for one thing, it was too far away. And for another, she never invited us.我们为什么没去拜访?唉,一方面呢,隔得太远;另一方面呢,她从来没有邀请过我们。The sound came from an unknown source, far away in the distance.这声音从远处某个地方传来。Her heart sank at the thought of moving so far away.一想到要搬去那么遥远的地方,她的心情就很沉重。Not far away was the great sweep of the Radnor Forest.不远处是绵延不断的雷德诺森林。It all seemed so far away from here that he found himself quite unable to take it in.这事看起来好像发生在如此遥远的地方,他发现自己思想上一时难以接受。When that day comes, I plan to be far away.那一天到来的时候,我打算远走高飞。I wanted to change schools, firstly because I didn't like the teacher and secondly because it was too far away.我要换学校,首先我不喜欢这老师,其次它太远了。People come to this museum from as far away as California.到这家博物馆参观的人们有大老远从加利福尼亚州来的。You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is.知道了某物的距离才能判断其高度。The first day of term, which seemed so far away at the start of the summer holidays, is looming.暑假刚开始时,开学显得那么遥远,现在却近在眼前。We were in a secluded area far away from the rest of the school.我们所在的地方是学校僻静的一隅,离学校的其他地方很远。Home at the place far away from downtown area.把总部设在远离闹市区的地方。The shock of the explosion was felt far away.爆炸引起的震动在很远的地方都能感觉到。I could hear the buzz of a chainsaw far away among the trees.我听到远处树林里有链锯的嗡嗡声。We are going to choo-choo far away tomorrow.明天我们将坐火车远行。Michael sat down as far away from her as possible.迈克尔在离她尽可能远的地方坐下了。It's a nuisance that you live so far away.你住得这么远,太不方便了。She wanted to get as far away from New York as possible.她要离开纽约,越远越好。High interest rates and high inflation mean a recession is not far away.高利率和高通货膨胀意味着经济衰退为期不远了。I was offered a job in New York, but at the time I didn't want to move so far away from my family.我得到了一份在纽约的工作,但那时候我不愿意搬得离家那么远。Our hotel was in the centre of town but the beach wasn't far away.我们的酒店在镇中心,但离海滩不是很远。How far away is the station?车站离这儿有多远?A factory making armaments had been bombed the night before and a residential area not far away had been pulverized.前天晚上,一家兵工厂被炸,不远处的居民区也被夷为平地。She wants to move as far away from here as possible.她想尽量搬得离这儿远些。They couldn't tell exactly how far away the bridge was.他们说不清那座桥确切有多远。Officers can keep watch from far away using high-powered video cameras.警察们可用高性能摄影机从远处进行监视。The eruption of the volcano covered states as far away as Montana in a fine layer of ash.火山爆发使蒙大拿这么远的州也蒙上了一层薄薄的火山灰。I could just make out the tiny points of a car's headlights far away.我只能勉强看到远处车前灯的小小光点。Gil downed his food wordlessly, his attention far away.吉尔一声不吭地吃他的东西,心已远在天边。Because of the snowstorm on the east coast, flights for Boston were sent as far away as Montreal.由于东海岸有暴风雪,去波士顿的航班要转飞到其他地方,最远到蒙特利尔去。




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