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词汇 analysts
例句 Investment analysts are predicing another dotcome boom.投资分析家预计网络公司还有一次繁荣。Many analysts think the dollar is on an uptrend.很多分析家认为美元走势坚挺。Property analysts forecast a fall in house prices.房地产分析人士预测房价会下跌。Some analysts say the new law could increase expectations of an economic recovery.一些分析家说新法律可以增加经济复苏的希望。Some analysts in Wall Street are predicting that the company will merge with a rival firm.华尔街的一些分析师预计该公司将与一家竞争对手公司合并。Few analysts foresaw that oil prices would rise so steeply.没几个分析家预料到油价会这么飞涨。Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost.一些分析家推测工作职位将会减少。Some analysts are issuing dire economic forecasts.一些分析家对经济形势发表了灾难性的预测。Many analysts believe interest rates will rise, possibly as early as next spring.许多分析师认为利率会提高,可能最早明年春季就开始。The exponential growth of our economy surprised many hard-core analysts.我们经济的指数性成长让许多死硬的分析家大感惊奇。Government analysts generally believe that the recession is over.政府分析家们普遍认为经济衰退已经结束。Most analysts predict that the country will revalue before the end of the year.大多数分析员预计这个国家在年底之前将调整汇率。Most analysts are forecasting a further downturn in the market.大多数分析家预测证券市场将会进一步下挫。Market analysts are predicting a soft landing for the economy after the economic boom.市场分析师预测,经济繁荣过后会出现软着陆。Some analysts believe he has made a canny political manoeuvre.一些分析家认为,他的这一政治举措很高明。Most analysts expected that there would be a change in policy.大多数分析家预计政策会有所改变。Some analysts fear that increasing desperation could lead to a military invasion of the country's southern neighbors.一些分析家担心,这个国家越来越深的绝望会使它对南部邻国发动军事侵略。Wall Street analysts have been highly critical of the company's seeming inability to control costs.华尔街的分析家们对该公司似乎无力控制成本一事一直都严厉指责。The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices.分析家们赞同削减边缘业务,但坚持认为公司必须作出更大牺牲。An understanding of accounting techniques is a major requisite for the work of the analysts.懂得会计知识是从事分析员工作的一个必要条件。Few analysts can reliably estimate corporate profits.没有几个分析师能准确估算出公司的盈利情况。Most political analysts are gloomy about the country's future.大多数政治分析家都对该国的前景持悲观态度。The slump is causing analysts to revise earnings estimates for next year.经济衰退使得分析家们修正了下一年的收入估算。Retail analysts say that electronic shopping remains a novelty for most people零售业分析人士称,电子购物在多数人眼中仍是新鲜事物。Independent analysts in the market predicted disaster.市场中的独立分析师预测会有灾难。Market analysts predicted a price plunge.市场分析师们预测价格会暴跌。American analysts have been somewhat cautious in estimating the size of the B2B market.美国分析师在估计公司对公司业务市场大小时略显谨慎。Financial analysts have warned investors not to touch these offers with a ten-foot pole.财经分析家告诫投资者千万不要碰这些报价。Some analysts believe that the government soon will begin relaxing economic controls.一些分析人士认为政府不久将开始放松经济管制。The sudden ups and downs of the stock market have left analysts perplexed.股市突然涨跌让分析家们不知所措。You can expect political analysts to pick apart the governor's speech.你看吧,政治分析家们会猛烈抨击这位州长的演说的。Financial analysts expect a bumpy year ahead.金融分析家估计未来的一年将会坎坷不平。I was impressed by the high calibre of the researchers and analysts.研究人员和分析人员的高素质给我留下了深刻印象。




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