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词汇 reader
例句 The reader's job is to unravel the strands of the mystery.读者要做的就是把这个神秘事物的各个方面弄清楚。Could you recommend a Spanish reader to me?你能给我推荐一本西班牙语读本吗? A story from the basal reader usually takes three days to teach.基础读物中一个故事通常需要教三天。It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats. The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes.它不仅仅是职业外交家的教科书,里面的轶事趣闻外行的读者也会喜欢。The beauty of style of the book arrested the reader.这本书优美的笔调把读者的注意力吸引住了。The character's life becomes increasingly real to the reader.该人物的生活在读者眼里变得越来越鲜活了。Why didn't you tell me you weren't happy with the situation? - I'm not a mind reader, you know!为什么不告诉我你对这一情况不满意?——你知道我又不会读心术!They are of the opinion that incomprehensibility is the reader's fault.他们认为,看不懂是读者的过失。Whitechild's life becomes increasingly real to the reader.怀特蔡尔德的生活在读者面前显得越来越真实。Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.用词不当导致读者理解不清。His laid-back style delights the reader.他自在的风格使读者感到愉悦。These arguments tend merely to confuse the reader.这些争论往往只是把读者搞得稀里糊涂的。The photo-electric reader is capable of scanning characters at the rate of two thousand a second.光电阅读器每秒钟能扫描两千字。In most dictionaries words to which the reader is cross-referenced are given in small capitals.在多数词典中,通过互见指引读者去参看的词用小号大写字母印刷。This book is intended for the general reader rather than the student.这本书面向一般读者而非学生。Like a mind reader, he could read their thoughts.像一个能读懂他人心思的人一样,他能理解他们的思想。The book holds the reader's attention right to the very end.这本书从头到尾都吸引着读者的注意力。Illustrations may come between the text and the reader's own mental imagery.插图也许会妨碍读者在阅读时发挥自己的想象。Her account has so successfully converted imagination into reality that there is little room for the reader to speculate, question or wonder.她的描述已成功地从想象变为现实,读者没有多少猜测、质疑或好奇的空间。At first Katy was a slow reader, but now she reads all the time.最初凯蒂阅读能力很差,不过现在她已手不释卷。A short opening paragraph enables the reader to quickly grasp what the article is about.开头的小段落使读者很快就能明白文章的大意。The author must keep the reader interested.作者必须要让读者有兴趣读下去。A sharp-eyed reader will notice the book's repeating themes.敏锐的读者会注意到书中重复的主题。He is a fast reader.他读书速度很快。The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote.星号指引读者去查阅脚注。A dagger is a sign used in printing to draw the reader's attention to something.剑号是印刷中的一种符号,用来引起读者对某一点的注意。At the conclusion of the book, the reader is still not certain whether Markham is guilty or not.在书的结尾,读者仍不能肯定马卡姆是否有罪。You must always keep the reader in mind when writing a report.写报道的时候你一定要时刻考虑读者。The books provide the reader with an introduction to natural history.这些书向读者介绍了博物学的入门知识。One lucky reader will win the holiday of a lifetime.有一位幸运读者将会赢得一次千载难逢的度假机会。The book gives the reader plenty of clues to solve the mystery.这本书为读者提供了大量揭开谜团的线索。I am an avid reader of detective novels.我热衷于读侦探小说。When one writes, one ought to consider a reader over his shoulder.写作的时候应当想到那仿佛俯身在作家背后的读者。Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。She's a fast/slow/avid/voracious reader.她读书很快/读书很慢/酷爱阅读/是一位求知欲很强的读者。He plunges the reader in medias res.他把读者立即引入本题。He's an avid reader.他酷爱阅读。I was an avid reader as a child.小时候我很爱读书。If you are a regular reader of Homes & Gardens you will know what an invaluable source of inspiration it is.如果你常读《家和花园》杂志的话,就会知道它是一个多么宝贵的灵感源泉。The reader can speculate what will happen next.读者可以推测下一步会发生什么事。




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