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词汇 reading
例句 The reading course is designed to give young children a head start.开设阅读课是为了让年幼的孩子们在起跑线上就领先。He skipped a few pages and carried on reading.他跳过几页后继续往下看。It's a challenging book that requires careful reading.这是一部令人深思的书,需要认真阅读。When he's reading a book he's lost to the world.他看书的时候全神贯注。My father had some rather strange habits, like reading the newspaper in the bath.我爸爸有些相当奇怪的习惯,比如洗澡的时候看报纸。His score on the reading test last year was very disappointing.他去年阅读课考试成绩实在令人失望。She enjoys reading, knitting, and other quiet pursuits.她喜欢读书、织毛衣以及其他一些安静的消遣活动。Some children had graduated to reading books without pictures.有些孩子已经进步到可以阅读不带插图的书了。We're reading a different book this week.这周我们在读另一本书。This report is my bedtime reading at the moment.此刻这份报告是我的床头读物。Be sure to double-space. It makes reading much easier.务必用双倍行距。这样方便阅读。Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel.听他的人生故事犹如阅读一本精彩的冒险小说。Before I'd finished reading it, she snitched my copy of the book.这本书我还没有读完,她就偷偷拿走了。He omitted reading the second page.他忘了读第二页。The fuel gauge was reading 'empty'.汽油表显示油已用完。He enjoys reading and relaxing in his off hours. 他喜欢下班后看看书,放松放松。I've been slaving while you lot have been sitting around reading the newspaper.你这家伙坐在那里看报纸的时候,我一直在拼命干活。My reading of the situation is that this conflict is likely to get worse over the next few months.对于这一局势,我的看法是今后几个月内这场冲突会愈演愈烈。As Downing claims, and as we noted above, reading is best established when the child has an intimate knowledge of the language.如唐宁所说,也正如我们前文所指出的,当孩子对语言非常熟悉时,阅读的效果最佳。What has he done, besides reading the paper?除了看报,他还做了什么? Children learn reading and writing at school.儿童在学校里学习阅读和写字。I listen to my children reading aloud.我听我的孩子们大声朗诵。When I entered, she put by the letter she was reading.我进去后,她把她正在看的信放在一边。I don't have to wear my glasses all the time - just for reading.我不需要一直戴眼镜—只在阅读的时候戴。Can't I just finish reading this article first?难道我就不可以先看完这篇文章吗?The person who instructed you obviously didn't know much about map-reading!教你的人显然不怎么懂得看地图!How can you judge a book without reading it?你怎么能评价一本没看过的书呢?Hopefully, you won't have any problems after reading this.希望你读完这个后就不会有任何问题了。After reading the letter, my spirits sank even further.读完信后,我的情绪更加低落了。What book are you reading at the moment?你现在在读什么书?There was no television at the cabin, so—horror of horrors!—we had to spend the evenings reading books and playing board games.船舱里居然没有电视!天哪!我们晚上只能看书和下棋了。When at home, most evenings would be spent reading, cutting up and filing away his photographs.晚上在家时,经常都是在看书或剪切和归类他的照片。Which translation of Don Quixote are you reading?你读的是《堂吉诃德》的哪个译本?I enjoyed reading these books very much.我很喜欢读这些书。It is difficult to get an accurate reading on the significance of these events.对这些事件的意义作出精确的估价是困难的。She cultivated her mind by reading.她以阅读来修身养性。Dennis sat on his bed reading a naughty magazine.丹尼斯坐在床上看一本不太正经的杂志。They pitched the test at a fifth-grade reading level.他们针对五年级学生的阅读水平设计这次考试。I'm reading some short stories (written) by Chekhov.我在读契诃夫写的一些短篇小说。He spent the whole morning reading the report.他整个上午都在看这个报告。




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