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词汇 false
例句 They had to eat humble pie when the rumors they were spreading were proved false.当他们散布的谣言被证实不实之后,他们不得不承认了错误。Even to himself the geniality rang false.这种亲切话连他自己听起来都觉得假。Commentators are openly speculating on whether the accusation is false.评论家们公开推测这一指控是不是诬告。There was no false modesty in her victory speech.她的获胜演讲中没有虚伪的谦辞。He felt he was on the edge of an abyss; one false move and he was finished.他觉得自己在深渊的边缘,一步不慎就会完蛋。Her explanation didn't ring true. = Her explanation rang false. 她的解释听起来不真实。He says that he made his statement to the police under pressure, and that the statement is false.他说他是被迫向警方作此声明的,而那则声明是假的。The figures clearly show that her claims are false.这些数字清清楚楚地表明她的说法是错误的。Those stories are false, just so much blab.那些故事是假的,全是胡扯。I declare the story to be false.我断言这一叙述是虚假的。The anthrax test is unreliable because it produces too many false positives.炭疽菌检测是不可靠的,因为这种方法产生太多假阳性结果。I hate the hostesses' false cheerfulness and plastic smiles.我讨厌女主人的假开心和做作的微笑。The report that the factory would be closing was a false alarm.说工厂要关闭的传闻是一场虚惊。She had to wear a false nose for the role.为扮演这个角色,她必须戴一个假鼻子。Her name, it transpired, was false. 后来得知,她的名字是假的。US intelligence had been feeding false information to a KGB agent.美国的情报人员一直向克格勃间谍提供假情报。The least experienced athletes had caused a great many false-starts through the day's proceedings.那天的比赛中,经验最浅的运动员抢跑无数次。The ceasefire turned out to be another false dawn.这次停战结果又是一场空欢喜。It was quite clear the President was being given false information by those around him.很明显,总统身边的人在不断向他传递错误信息。Ella's enthusiasm rang false.埃拉的热情让人觉得虚伪。The patient was registered under a false name.那位患者挂号时用了假名。I hope my ears haven't played me false.我希望我没有听错。It's a false economy not to have travel insurance.不买旅游保险只是看似省钱。The driver was arrested for having false licence / license plates on his car.司机由于使用假车牌而被拘捕。There should be a law against spreading false rumours.针对散布虚假谣言应该出台法律。Scrimping on safety measures can be a false economy.在安全措施上抠手抠脚可能会打错算盘。I can't understand why folks complain about false teeth.我就不明白,人们为什么老是抱怨假牙的问题。You do not know whether what you're told is true or false.你不知道听到的是真还是假。To her jaundiced eye everything looked false.在她充满偏见的眼睛里,一切看起来都是假的。They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim.他们进行虚假索赔,骗取了保险公司的赔偿金。The decision to invade Iraq was based on accusations that turned out to be false.决定入侵伊拉克所依据的指控事后证明是错误的。She made a false confession during the trial which she later retracted.在审讯中她作了虚假供述,后来又翻供否认。He had given a false address to the police.他给警方留了假地址。The passports are obviously false: they'll never pass muster at Immigration.这些护照显然是伪造的:它们将无法通过移民局的检查。Their expensive home created a false appearance of success and happiness.他们的豪宅营造出一种成功和幸福的假象。He wasn't trying to give her false hope.他不想让她有任何虚幻的希望。Might she have created a false memory of abuse?也许她产生了受到虐待的假记忆?The bomb threat turned out to be a false alarm.这次炸弹恐吓原来是虚惊一场。He made false claims about his past job experience.他编造了自己过去的工作经历。We must ensure the discussion is not based on false presumptions.我们必须确保这次讨论不是以错误的推定为基础的。




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