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It would have to be done under anaesthetic.这个只能在麻醉的情况下做。The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.该手术是在全身麻醉情况下实施的。I was still groggy from the anaesthetic.麻醉剂让我感到仍然虚弱。The effects of the anaesthetic will wear off within a few hours.麻醉效果会在几个小时里逐渐消失。The anaesthetic began to take effect.麻醉药开始起作用了。A cataract can be removed under local anaesthetic.白内障可以在局部麻醉情况下摘除。She'll be a little unsteady on her feet until the anaesthetic wears off.麻醉药效消退以前,她走起路来会有些不稳。The anaesthetic made his whole face go numb.麻醉剂使他整个脸都失去了知觉。An anaesthetic renders the body insensitive to pain.麻醉剂使身体无疼痛感觉。I went to see Sally in hospital, but she was still groggy from the anaesthetic.我去医院看望萨莉了,但她因麻醉仍有些昏昏沉沉的。She had a local anaesthetic to stop the pain.她接受了局部麻醉以减少疼痛。He was given a general anaesthetic.他接受了全身麻醉。The operation was carried out while she was under general anaesthetic.手术在她全身麻醉的状态下进行。The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to wear off.麻醉剂的效力开始逐渐消退。She suffered a collapse under anaesthetic.她被麻醉后昏迷不醒。A local anaesthetic is injected in an area over your lower spine.局部麻醉时,麻醉剂注射进后腰部。The doctor will first determine your fitness to receive the anaesthetic.医生首先要确定你是否适合麻醉。She'll have to go under anaesthetic for the operation.手术前必须给她施行麻醉。The operation was carried out under anaesthetic.手术在麻醉的情况下进行。The patient was under as soon as he breathed the anaesthetic.病人一吸入麻醉药后就昏迷过去了。She's still a little dopey from the anaesthetic.由于麻醉药的作用,她还有点昏昏沉沉的。I had the operation done under general anaesthetic.我是全身麻醉后做手术的。They had to operate without anaesthetic.他们不得不在没有麻醉的情况下做手术。They gave him a spinal anaesthetic.他们给他作了脊椎麻醉。In those days, dentistry was basic. Extractions were carried out without anaesthetic.当时,牙医术还处于初级阶段。拔牙不用麻药。I was still woozy from flu/the anaesthetic/the medication/the wine.我仍因流感/麻醉药/药物/喝酒而感到头昏脑胀。They gave me a local anaesthetic to deaden the pain.他们给我用了一种土制的麻醉剂来镇痛。She seemed unmoved and quite anaesthetic to his presence.她显出无动于衷的样子,对他的在场持漠然态度。An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.通常先注射局部麻醉药,使该部位失去知觉。The procedure is usually carried out under anaesthetic.整个过程通常在麻醉状态下进行。The anaesthetic acted quickly.麻醉剂很快起了作用。The pain got worse as the anaesthetic wore off.麻醉剂药效渐渐消退,疼痛越来越厉害了。The chances of dying under anaesthetic are vanishingly small.接受麻醉后死亡的几率是极小的。 |